Wednesday, Dec 01, 2021 at 17:57
Partly correct. up close it is usually visible . designed for reducing vehicle outline from more distant recon ( ariel, binocs, nearby patrol.) and is often on roll bars as
well as a type of cam. can work unseen from 250 m away if
well done in right situation. personal cam combined with good placement and nerves works at 2 m away +.
hessian generally used, used as a ''quick wrap'' that is dropped on stopping for period . this cuts out the shine thru of light between ground and vehicle as seen looking towards horizon , an important part of good cam. see basic
pic- this basic example needs further tweaking to reduce any sharp corners. use of cam paintwork for objects beneath as
well helps. best example by a mile is yowie suit.
basic cam example
try finding him.
use of local materials for cam.
Note: if camouflaged object moves too much ( how often see a moving haystack or bush ?)... poor result obviously.
Former ARes.