Map Legend? Where is it?

Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 at 15:10
ThreadID: 142355 Views:6441 Replies:3 FollowUps:0
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I've looked through old questions on this. No arrow in the bottom right of my map. I found places legend in the user guide, no map legend.

Where do I find a map legend please. Current one.
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Reply By: Frank P (NSW) - Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 at 15:27

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 at 15:27
Here is the latest version I could find, from the April 2021 User Manual in Word and PDF.


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AnswerID: 637483

Reply By: WAI4WD - Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 at 15:44

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 at 15:44
Thanks Frank, super appreciated.
AnswerID: 637484

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Aug 16, 2021 at 17:24

Monday, Aug 16, 2021 at 17:24
It is impossible for us to generate a complete EOTopo map legend to publish in the user manual designed for A4 pages. The reasons relate to technical complexities related to vector output and the use of variable map scales used on the map sheet. However, we will attempt to mock up a graphic representation for our next User Manual update. However, here is a written description that might help in the time being: (copied from a post I made in the ExplorOz Traveller's Community Facebook Group).

• Yellow Solid line = motorway/freeway
• Red Solid line = sealed road
• Red Dashed line = unsealed road (or unknown)
NOTE: Line thickness varies to indicate the road type attribution (ie. major, minor, track) however this is relative to the surrounding roads.
However, the map scale/proportions of map data within "residential" zones differs to the map scale outside the residential zones and at first, may not seem consistent... until you understand the following: at low zoom, road lines inside residential areas are disproportionate to road line thickness outside "residential" zones so a sealed residential road may be appear thinner than nearby bush tracks outside the residential zone. Residential zones appear all over the map and include small towns, and even aboriginal communities. "Residential zones" will require greater zoom to investigate the detail. It's a bit like the old street directory or paper map where more detailed areas where shown at a different scale in a separate box. On EOTopo, you simply zoom more when viewing detail in "residential" areas.

Designated Bike paths = green dashed lines
Designated Walking tracks = brown dashed lines
Designated Shared use paths = grey dashed lines
ExplorOz Treks = 2 different styles depending on what you have selected in the map overlay:

• If Trek selection is OFF = Solid Red line with small black dashes
• If Trek selection is ON = Solid Black line with white dashes. The line is clickable on the map so you can access more information about road condition/suitability etc.

ExplorOz Trek lines colours/thickness is unrelated to the surface/type of road. In fact, some Treks are NOT for vehicles - some are for different modes of travel (including bikes, kayaks, boats, walking, horse riding). That is why they aren't represented with the same style as the road/track lines.

To find out, you need to refer to the Trek description. Simply open the Show panel of the Trek. The quickest method is to have Treks selected ON in the map layers so that you can click the line and press SHOW.

For each Trek, you will find a written description of the route, including suitability rating for vehicles/caravans etc plus special warnings, or preparation requirements such as permits, and best time to travel together with the calculated driving times based on GPS recordings gathered in our field research, AND loads more including What to See, Facilities, Comments, and a full turn by turn driving directions text list for the route, PLUS the Trek is pre-loaded and ready to use for offline navigation - just press GoTo (you can use the plan as is, or adjust Places before tapping Begin Navigation).
TIP: you can filter which Treks to be highlighted using the map overlays. Filters are based on suitability - ie. 4WD, walk, horse, bike, motorhome, caravan, 2WD, AWD etc.

ABOUT EXPLOROZ TREKS: We started publishing these Treks over 20 years ago and have maintained the information via updates when things change. Most of the supplied routes in the 191 ExplorOz Treks require a lot of planning before travel so we highly recommend that you don't ignore this extra information that is supplied. It's there for a reason! See page 17 of the User Manual (June revision) for more information.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 637533

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