Friday, Jan 08, 2021 at 15:22
Yes Matty, the solar panel set-up is not a priority, just a messy work-around. It is a bummer to do it the manual way but oh-
well, thats what you've got. Having a higher unregulated raw voltage going into a DC-DC charger close to the aux. battery is much more efficient than a regulated lower voltage going direct into your aux. battery.
I am not full-bottle (or even half-bottle) on Ignition relays vs. VSR's so best wait till your auto-electrician gets back on deck and install the BCDC charger which will
1) Eliminate your fridge turning off when you stop
2) Provide a good higher voltage and better charging for your aux battery
3) Join and seperate your batteries as what a VSR and ignition relay would do and
4) Should you ever change or upgrade / downgrade your solar panels down the line, get the unregulated type and run those through your charger as
You WON'T need to discard your Anderson plugs, they are the plugs of choice and most things can connect that way. If you need lots more, go to Connector-Tech ALS in BNE (, best price by far and a genuine brand "Anderson", not a knockoff. As Allan mentioned, connections to your DC-DC charger terminals can be turned into Anderson Plugs, BTW, there are several colours available (black,
grey, Blue, Red and Yellow), not just the gray we see everywhere so you can colour code them if you wish.