4WD clubs in W.A.
Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 23, 2004 at 12:40
This Thread has been Archived
Howdy, Me and the bit of fluff are thinking about joining a 4WD club in W.A. Got a few mates who'd be in it as
We're mid 30's, don't mind a pony of Swan Gold on a hot day and enjoy a bit of humour. Drive a 4.5 GU Patrol and also have HJ75 with 6.5V8 in it. Not interested in politics, paperwork or prats. Don't wear Akubra's with plastic rain protectors or knee high socks either (not that there's anything wrong with that). Did my share expensive of silly things when I was younger too, but nowdays I can't be bothered with being overly competitive. Want to use my 4x4 but not destroy it. Don't mind watching other people f*&%up though.
In summary - nothing to prove, nothing too serious and just want to have a bit of fun.
BTW - thanks to all who replied re: the GU
suspension. I'll post results when it's done.
Reply By: Martyn (WA) - Wednesday, Jun 23, 2004 at 14:38
Wednesday, Jun 23, 2004 at 14:38
I'm in the 4WD club of WA,
check the web site out it's good fun, trips both long and short, wide range of people, I would call it a family / social club, the odd beer has been drunk, I wore a plastic mac once never done the sock thing. We have rated trips so you can choose what you want to do. Club meeting tomorrow night in Mount Lawley see the web page. On my members rig page the shot of my Rangie is from a trip down to Collie last weekend, great fun. Best thing would to be come along and make your own assesment, oe visit isn't going to hurt.