Sunday, Feb 23, 2020 at 17:15
Hi Peter,
my mate and I did a solo trip about march last year, both very experienced 4x4 drivers or so we thought . we did a four wheel drive course about four months out from our start date,but it still was not enough but it gave us an understanding of what could go wrong and how to get out of it with out having to get the shovel out. we never got the shovel out except for pit stops and buried it deep
we ran tyre pressures as the terrain dictated generally twenty on the front and 26 on the rears and pumped them up when we were going over rocky sections.
what to take with you, start with your tyres, and two spare wheels make sure your tyres are in good nick I ran bfg ko2 and they did the job two spare inner tubes,and about 40 tyre plugs. we were in my ford
ranger, and as a four wheel drive i still cant stop singing its praises. we carried 210 litres of fuel and filled up at kunniwaritja. and 60 litres of water. there is water along the track that is useable, some you can even drink.
the main requirements that we found was a good sat phone and an epirb. we also took two car fridges,
mine was to old for that trip as the corrugations absolutely destroyed it. if you are taking anything in the back of your vehicle make sure there is no chance of movement in power leads and any containers that you have, that was how we lost the fridge, not being secure enough. keep your weight to a minimum.
the other thing we did to work out water and food consumption we did two shake down runs to see how much we would consume the first was for six days and the second for for days,you would be surprised how hungry you get out in the middle of nowhere. the shake down trips also gave us a good understanding of each others driving abilities, because everyone drives differently.
if you want to know more just ask as this is just a very broad outline of what we had on board. you'll love the canning as we did the only thing I have to warn you about is the flies, if you have been in bad fly country before you ain't seen nothing yet
Follow Up By: Peter F42 - Monday, Feb 24, 2020 at 09:20
Monday, Feb 24, 2020 at 09:20
Thanks for the info Broodie