Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020 at 00:23
Shane, it's a little more than "trial by social media". This couples behaviour towards their clients has been nothing short of outrageous, unethical, and in contravention of many business trading laws and regulations.
As soon as ACCC took them to court, they claimed they had destroyed documents the court was requesting under subpoena.
They then sold the business to two other people, then put the original parent company into liquidation.
There's a lot of explaining to be done by Roesch and Kosukhina as to where the monies from the sale and the hirers bonds have gone.
7 News - 4WD Hire company in court over documentsComcourts records
Roesch was also handed a six-figure tax bill in 2014, despite claiming he only earnt $7382 for the year.
He has been linked to Russian Mafia and a credit-card skimming scheme.
He deserves to be deported, IMO - we can do without immigrants like him, in Australia.
Roesch handed 6-figure tax bill (2014)
He has also been in court, charged with wife-bashing. He was convicted, but managed to escape any jail penalty for that, because the sentence was suspended.
Russian businessman escapes jail time for assaulting wifeTim Nicholls MP - Parliamentary speech regarding Roesch and Australian 4WD Hire
Cheers, Ron.