Saturday, Oct 12, 2019 at 18:18
Thanks Marron. You'll not have enough real estate for a 300W single piece panel as these are usually around 1900 x 1000mm in size.
Best bet is to look at a 250W panel or 2 x 100W panels which should fit in the space you have.
It's really important to understand your actual consumption requirements as far as power goes. People will often install solar panels thinking their power needs will be solved and in fact nothing could be further from the truth. If sitting flat, they will only perform at peak efficiency for a limited time of the day and output will then ebb either side of that time dependent on the angle of the sun.
This article on exploroz is a good start without getting you bogged down in the intricacies of 12 volt DC.
Electricity for camping
Another consideration iks the type of solar controller (you should have an MPPT controller) and also the battery management system you have over your van batteries. Can it take open circuit current from the panels like many DC-DC chargers? This is one way of maximising your solar input.
As for brand, my recommendation is what ever you get, source it from a reputable supplier. Many panels aren't quite what they are made out to be so a reputable supplier will ensure a quality panel. I have no suggestions in that regard but a search of the
forum through the search facility near the log in button at the top right of the
forum page will produce a lot of great information.
Regards and all the best with it.
Building a DC electrical system for you 4x4/camper