Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019 at 15:36
RMD, it appears to me that it is you that doesnt understand auto electrics, i consider that I have a reasonable undetstanding of it as I have been working in the field as a qualified tradesman since 1983 and am still working as an auto elect rician.
You are the one that thinks a shorted stator winding can blow a main fuse and didnt realise that the alternator actually charges through it, demonstrating a complete lack of technical understanding of the subject that you are trying to preach about.
But you still feel you need to argue the point with someone that experienced it and basically accused either him or most of the auto sparkies offering a valueable service to the comunity of being liars.
Knowing the words doesnt mean you know what you are talking about, hands on experience is a big part that it appears you have very little of it.
There is a lot more to knowing a field than knowing how to use Google.
Please try to limit your advice to what you actually know, not think you know because you read about it, or would that leave you with very little to prattle on about?