Thursday, Aug 01, 2019 at 13:30
"We camped at the ground behind the
rest area 25 km out from
Yulara free witn no amenities at all, the sign said 24 hr camping permitted.
Friends went there a week ago and the sign read something like no camping aboriginal land.
Seems they don't mind campers if they sell too many 25 dollar entry permits to the national park but if there is no profit for them it is sacred land again."
This above shows your ignorance
well. Instead of saying thank you to those that opened up their land so you could
camp off the hwy in a safe place for free while it was extremely busy, you feel the need to have a go at them and accuse them of shutting people out because there is no profit in it.
Disrespectful really, but that's how most free loaders think.