Tuesday, Jul 09, 2019 at 02:31
I'm not sure how my reply regarding anything
Newman or in fact anything
Pilbara oriented is taken, but everything said by me in regards to where I live ~
Newman and where I choose to live ~ the
Pilbara is always the absolute truth simply because 'I live here'.
I've read all the previous replies to Gary - T4's enquiry on a caravan park in
Newman, yes there is a place in
Newman behind what was once a BP service station, the service station is now a
Shell outlet.
The caravan (sic) park is within the confines of what was once called the '
Whaleback Village' ~ this establishment was crippled by the mining boom that wasn't, there is a whole long sad story about a mining boom, that NEVER existed, it was a construction 'Boom' that ended and all the profiteering crystal ball gazers, either got out or went broke.
Whaleback Village was never nor will it ever be a caravan park, yes you can book a site use the amenities and believe you've been in or at a caravan park, but it is a BHP accommodation
camp and an on going construction site.
I'm not for one second saying it's not worth staying there, each to his/her own.
The Oasis Village is also a
mine FI FO oriented
camp, where you the weary traveller can park up in a red dirt paddock and feel as if you are in a caravan park, just hope your not too close to the construction zone part of the establishment, again it is what it is, only it's about 10 k's out of town and much closer to the airport.
Newman Caravan Park does not exist, it too went the way of the crystal ball gazers and has been so for close to 2 years ~ give or take 6 months, again a construction site in BHP's master plan in housing their Fly in Fly out minions.
The Shire of East
Pilbara manage the
Newman Visitor Centre, you can book a
parking lot/caravan bay here and stay the night or maybe a couple of nights,and enjoy the workforce tide in the early morning and late afternoon as the
Mount Whaleback mine shift change happens, I believe the fees charged are quite reasonable at the NVC ~ caravan
parking place.
There was mention made of Kalgan
Pool in a reply, yes there is a heck of a lot of water flowing along certain sections of Kalgan Creek, very picturesque and
well worth the effort if you drive a 'dual range' four wheel drive, but please note that the water flow is entirely under ground water discharge from Rio Tinto's near by mining operations.
You can
camp anywhere along the Kalgan Creek watercourse if you feel like doing so, I highly recommend this as an option, if you are towing anything bigger/heavier/longer than a generic camper trailer, you will multiply the difficulties ten fold ~ possibly more, but I have seen folks haul their mega dollar 'off road' balls and all caravans all the way in to Kalgan Gorge/
Sadly, very sadly in fact Kalgan
Pool has been wounded and may
well die ~ has mining got anything to do with this wounding ? You be the judge!
I could upload an image of Kalgan
Pool, before the ground water manipulation began, but I'm sure you the viewer would feel sad, I'm not for one second trying to prevent you from having a great stay in
Newman at the caravan
parking place of your choice, after all there are three establishments to choose from, each has something that is special, I'm sure.
All of the images submitted are real, they are current, some were even shot today.
Safe travels : Joe Fury
Kalgan Creek camping spot access.
Kalgan Creek camp
Kalgan Creek ~ shale bank.
Kalgan Pool ~ wounded.
The sign says it all.
Kalgan Pool access track, water half a metre depth for 320 metres (approx)
Kalgan Pool ~ March 2019
Follow Up By: Dean K3 - Wednesday, Jul 10, 2019 at 19:45
Wednesday, Jul 10, 2019 at 19:45
That water alot lower than what i recall from 2014 even then it was smallish
Better pools up in Kimberly if one wants to compare them
24 hr at info centre is best bet these days -im guessing they still allow water collection for a donation to RFDS ?
Follow Up By: Joe Fury - Thursday, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:06
Thursday, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:06
G'day Dean K3
I won't enter into a debate on what
waterhole or pools as you call them might be better, or whether the
Kimberley is or isn't better than the inland
Pilbara, for my liking both regions are absolutely magnificent and they each have spectacular
waterholes and gorges, it's just that the
Kimberley is promoted as a tourist destination and it is marketed very smartly to boot.
On the other hand the inland
Pilbara is marketed and known almost purely as a mining region and tourism is NOT on the radar as far as being important when it comes to the easy revenue gained by digging it up and flogging it off.
To me and possibly only me, it's bloody sad too see the shiny bums selling off this very ancient land called the
Yes the NVC (info centre) still 'allows water collection ?' and as a bonus if your staying at the NVC as a fee paying caravan overnighter, you can even dump your dunny product and it's all just for a donation to the RFDS apparently.
The uploaded images with this reply were taken by me in 2014 ~ the same year the dewatering pipline was completed, from memory, not too sure which month Rio Tinto opened the valve but it's not been closed since then.
The other image is from 2015 @ 15:56 hrs on 19/7/2015
I can dig up images and information from my archives if you wish to learn/know more, I am happy to expand a little on my personal involvement in the lead up to the shooting of the movie 'The Japanese Story'
Kalgan Pool/
Gorge was featured in the movie starring Toni Collette ~ The Japanese Story.
Safe travels : Joe Fury
Kalgan Pool
Kalgan Pool ~ 17/3/2014 @ 13:59 hrs