Battery charger built into 8000w 12v Power Jack inverter.
Submitted: Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 15:23
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stuart m10
Hi All
I hope you can help as the electrician and auto elec are stumped.The Power Jack
8000w lf inverter I purchased has a new feature of an ATS where the battery charger wont work until the batteries get down to 10.5v.The batteries are not going to last long doing that to them.What I am after is what needs to be by passed or adjusted so it works at any battery voltage (normal charger).If anyone can advise it would be much appreciated.
Thanks all and Cheers
Reply By: RMD - Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 17:28
Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 17:28
8000w at 12v is a current of at least 660 amps, BIG cables needed there, but the terminals on the unit seem far too small for such current, let alone the 32000w claimed as the peak. Methinks the claims and reality are a bit different to each other.
Only someone with knowledge of the circuit would be able to detect the threshold voltage at which battery charging begins. It may be adjustable on an internal pot. Many Meanwell dedicated chargers, I have a 30 amp device, do have an adjustment on their charge voltage, yours may be similar for that threshold voltage to initiate the charge earlier than currently set.
An electronic oriented person may be able to find such a pot, or infact alter the crucial detection point via replacement/modification to some components.
Alan B on here, used to bury 'is 'ed in such things and might have a solution or more info for your problem.
Follow Up By: Bill R5 - Saturday, Dec 08, 2018 at 09:15
Saturday, Dec 08, 2018 at 09:15
There's a very good couple of videos on Youtube, done by a yanky bloke who seems to have a lot of knowledge and testing equipment.
He had a similar unit, but claimed output was 15,000 watts!!! Same thing as regards cables; way way too thin for that amount of claimed current. His testing proved it was all fake information/claims.
Reply By: DDCman - Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 18:47
Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 18:47
Ì have a 3000/6000 lf version of the pj inverter. Firstly, they are a piece of junk, but was fun to muck around with. The 'sine wave' output was the worst looking sine wave I'd ever seen. Near about 400 watts, it looked more like a square wave. I would not trust it charging my batteries! There is quite a following on an alternative energy
forum where one bloke went to a whole heap of effort fitting a filter circuit that cleaned up the output and decreased the standby current.
I worked out the efficiency to be about 72%. It weighed about 17 kilos from memory (lf xformer). Ditched it and got a 1500 watt hf from Elinz. Pretty cheap also, but the sine wave output is perfect, and the regulation works up to it full output (1500 watts).
Reply By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 20:39
Friday, Dec 07, 2018 at 20:39
Hi Stuart,
I have no direct experience with this product but after reading the expressions made by the supplier I can say that what is written does not stand up to scrutiny. In short it is technical nonsense. So I suspect that the product is also 'technical nonsense'.
My only recommendation is to cut your losses. Get what compensation you can or throw the whole thing into the bin before it burns your vehicle down.
This reference may further support my opinion.
Reply By: bobsabobsa - Saturday, Dec 08, 2018 at 08:37
Saturday, Dec 08, 2018 at 08:37
Hi Stuart
I would reconsider using Power Jack
After I had 2 fails I would not use them,
I have a brand new replacement 5600 watt peak and 2800 cont. I use it now to prop the cupboard door open ,the modified sine wave is crap beware, you will stuff your electronics up ,might be ok on a toaster as long as it has no electronic ,best to cut you losses
cheers bob