Monday, May 07, 2018 at 09:55
I totally agree with Baz.
The people "staffing" the VKS stalls at 4WD and camping shows are volunteers from the
membership of VKS subscribers.
Like any other volunteers (Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Vounteer Ambulance, SES etc) that "staff" similar information tents they aren't media trained, but are very passionate about the organisation they represent and may come across as being a bit over zealous.
My personal experience with VKS operators in times of trouble, and face it - this is when you need them most, has been outstanding. Quick response to emergency selcalls, professional in getting information both from me and from the people they connect with to solve 'MY PROBLEM' and excellent follow up at the conclusion of the incident - to see we were OK.
Use of correct radio voice procedure is important (although not as strict as you probably imagine) - it is mainly to ensure smooth communications and after all, it is not a citizen band radio where anything goes. Yes you get some subscribers who are absolutely anal in their RVP, but mostly if you say your 'overs' and 'outs' in the right place and give your call
sign you are doing a much better job than those who use the UHF. Even if you use apples, bananas and carrots instead of correct phonetic alphabet, you won't get cut off.
As for family friendly, I think they are. Our VKS Mail is always addressed to both my wife and myself, they always ask if my wife (and by name) is travelling with me when we call in for scheds, they talk to the kids on the radio (at the end of scheds) so they can learn how to use the radio and when you meet up with other users out in the scrub or in caravan parks, it is just like a family reunion.
Like Baz, if you want a recommendation for a HF network,
mine would be VKS. This comes from
membership of other networks as