Solution to Spongy caravan flooring
Submitted: Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 08:10
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Hi members, my 2009
Roma Sov'reign has developed a problem that seems to be worsening. The floor is flexible beneath our feet. Veneer is not broken anywhere obvious just spongy. Suggested maybe glue that holds layers of veneer together has failed. Anyway, how do I reduce spongyness and support my floor. I can't believe I'm the only caravan owner that's experienced this problem. Your help please.
Reply By: Shaker - Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 08:39
Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 08:39
If it's the same problem as Travelhome, it will be degradation of the foam core in the composite floor. They used the wrong foam & it is an expensive fix, depending on the size of your van, budget $4000 - $6000!
The repair involves removing the top layer, getting rid of the foam leaving the bottom layer intact, then 2 layers of plywood are fitted followed by a floor covering of choice, usually vinyl planks.
I would suggest a boat builder would be far more suitable than a caravan repairer. Where are you located?
Reply By: Frank P (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 09:56
Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 09:56
This doesn't help solve the problem, but just for interest ...
Kimberley Kampers use an excellent product in their hard flooring in Kampers, Karavans and Kruisers. It's probably best described as plastic chipboard. Waterproof, rotproof, mildewproof and stable. Doesn't need underside treatment, can withstand the stones, etc. Should be an industry standard, IMHO.
Reply By: Ron N - Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 13:42
Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 13:42
Georose, you're not alone, and complaints about poor caravan construction and poor manufacturer support, are frequent.
However, after 9 years of use, you won't get any support from the manufacturer.
They may suggest a repair method, or point you in the direction of a caravan repairer - who won't be cheap.
Unfortunately, caravan floor repairs are purely and simply a major repair, and will almost certainly involve a lot of work and serious $$'s.
You would be best advised to contact a recommended caravan repairer to obtain a quote, and advice, as to the best approach and repair method.
If you're a keen handyman, I'd guess caravan floor replacement by yourself isn't an impossible task - but it would certainly involve gutting the caravan of cupboards and beds and all the other components that are attached to the floor.
Unfortunately, most caravans are built by installing the floor and then installing everything on top of it - so floor repairs must involve some de-construction.
One of the things I always checked when purchasing vans, was what the floor was made from, and how thick it was.
Cheers, Ron.
Follow Up By: Shaker - Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 16:19
Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 16:19
We are currently in the process of doing one, if it is a composite floor you shouldn’t need to remove cupboards etc as they are on inset plywood pads.
As I said, the job would be beyond most caravan repairers & better somebody that is used to working with composites & decent adhesives.
The 25’ Travelhome that we are doing at the moment will cost around $5500.00
There was a company making these floor panels for manufacturers & were fairly average with their work, the foam that they used during was not dense enough for the job, in fact no foam is ideal for a floor & they should really have used an end grain balsa core.
Reply By: Shaker - Sunday, Apr 29, 2018 at 10:50
Sunday, Apr 29, 2018 at 10:50
What have you discovered about your floor?