I am running the app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A mounted on RAM gear, also onboard a standard Garmin nuvi GPS.
I used the app over 11,000 kms from the east coast across to the Kennedy Ranges WA and onto the magnificent
Mount Augustus.
The EO Topo maps I used were in the Offline mode and I was very impressed with the readability, detailed clear features, which left my trusty Garmin for dead as it was only a purple line on the screen. Understandably it was punching above its height and out of its depth. The app excelled for continuous monitoring and positioning giving support to what lay around you and in front for a night
I didn't use the coordinates for forward positioning as the system would not allow degrees ,minutes and seconds only decimals of a degree which is not what the Camps Book uses.
The ability to zoom in I loved when navigating on tracks and then zoom out when on the bitumen.
I didn't use the
Treks however referred to them as relationship to where I was and if I needed an out.
Voice guidance was not relevant as long distances and not so much the streets navigation was used.
Someone said along the way why would you pay $639 for the Hema gear when this system for far less gives you a fantastic aide.
Another thing that I have learnt along the way is to use these systems but don't forget the basics of navigation, know where North is and where the sun gets up and sets.
I would like to see it a little more user friendly but am not sure whether android system allows this, ie drop down boxes to select a destination or input co-ords all on the navigational screen.
All in all this has got to be the best value for money I have spent, no more paper maps which I loved.
Save travels