Bribie Beach and Inland Road Conditions
Submitted: Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 at 08:26
This Thread has been Archived
I'm heading to
Ocean Beach Campground next weekend.
Hoping some of you can give an update on the condition of
the beach and Inland Road. Is
the beach still good an hour either side of high?
Thanks for any advice.
Reply By: rumpig - Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 at 09:48
Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 at 09:48
I drove Bribie about 6 weeks ago going the inland track first up due to high tide, and was astounded at how chopped up that track is these days. It's been about 5 years since I last drove that track and likely going to be another 5 years before I do it again any time soon...the clowns that refuse to deflate their tyres or engage 4wd have made that track a huge mess. At no stage did i look like getting bogged due to having deflated my tyres, but it was slow going to stop getting thrown about the vehicle everywhere, and i wasn't towing anything.
I revisited Bribie last weekend again and it was pretty low tide heights (both low and high tides were small) so timing to drive on
the beach was not a real issue at all, though very limited hard sand to drive on as tide came in (heaps of chopped up soft sand). The track from Woorim end is just as chopped up as the inland track (probably more so actually), be sure to deflate sufficiently and you'll be fine, but it's slow going if you don't want to get airborne....i was mostly 1st and 2nd gear only walking through much of
the beach entry track.
The beach itself is very rollercoaster like currently so staying under the speed limit is very easy to do (didn't stop several P platers from driving like idiots getting airbourne near families though), with not much hard sand to drive on as tide comes in the rest of
the beach is very chopped up and will be very hard going if towing. In essence what i'm saying is lower your tyre pressures heaps to get through, because the place is really showing what happens when tyres don't get deflated and 4wd not engaged by so many idiots.
Follow Up By: Odyssey12 - Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 at 09:59
Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 at 09:59
Thanks for the detailed reply, appreciate it.
I'm not towing and yes, I will be lowering tyre pressure. And I won't be in a rush, just a Dad and son weekend.
I'll be getting there Friday late arvo, depending on Highway traffic.
High tide is 5:30pm, so probably will have to take Inland Road.
Reply By: rumpig - Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:38
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:38
Sitting on
Ocean Beach currently as I type this reply, so can't get more up to date then
Seems like the Woorim end beach entry track is slightly better today then it was the other weekend, though the public holiday traffic is sure to change that by day's end. Low tide was 3 hours ago, beach is about 30 - 40 metres wide and first 10 metres is "hard" sand. At dead low
the beach was better to drive on then now, was a touch flatter then, now it's roller coaster like with the water up a touch more. I'm rolling along the softer sand in 2nd gear at 18psi no worries at all, go any faster and you'll get airbourne.
Follow Up By: rumpig - Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 14:36
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 14:36
Edit to above....
The hard sand wasn't down the Woorim end of
the beach 4 hours after lowtide (but heaps of beach still), as I got closer to that exit it turned into a churned up mess everywhere. Several vehicles were bogged right where the track hits
the beach, but i crawled through there with tyres at 18psi, so safe to assume they hadn't deflated their tyres. The entry / exit track was already more churned up then this morning, should be worse by this afternoon.....beach is easy to drive at lowered pressures, just slow going still
Follow Up By: Odyssey12 - Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 15:37
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 15:37
Thanks again for your time.
Tyre pressure is the key, some people don't get it and never will.
Hope you had a good day there, it was hot enough to be at
the beach. The weekend isn't forecast to be as hot.
Follow Up By: rumpig - Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 16:59
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017 at 16:59
Yeah it was a nice day up there.... i got in early before the crowds as lowtide was at 8.30 a.m, i left just after midday and it was much much busier down around the lagoons by then. Spent some time driving in and out of the campsites making notes of which will make nice future camps, it was actually surprising how many people were currently camping in them