Place Comment: Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park
Submitted: Friday, Jun 23, 2017 at 09:53
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Member - 761
We did Wolfe Creek about a week ago and have to say we awarded them the Gold award for worst corrugations we have encountered on this trip so far (from
Melbourne to
Boulia and then the Plenty and Tanami to the
Kimberley). They are relatively deep and widely spaced so at their worst need to be driven at around 10kph - least ways we did towing our 3 ton off-road caravan. We had the van's tyres down to around 20psi (on road around 40) and dropped the car by around 15 to 20 psi from on-road pressures (or around 10 below moderate track pressures) . We passed various bits that had fallen off vehicles, including an expensive complete new light unit from someone's flood/spotlight. Interesting if you want to see an impressive meteorite crater but there are better, more picturesque and more accessible sights to be seen...
Reply By: GG7777 - Friday, Jun 23, 2017 at 16:07
Friday, Jun 23, 2017 at 16:07
We were there in 2013 at start of CSR trip and on what I expect to be similar corrugations two ultralight aeroplanes flying around Aus landed along that #^!*ing rough track. Service crew in F-trucks and trailers met them and they camped the night.We were lucky enough to get some magic photos of them in the sunset flying very low over
the crater. I can only imagine that the ride in the sky was better than the landing.
Reply By: Dean K3 - Sunday, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:57
Sunday, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:57
Not surprised at all was rough as buggery 2014 despite being aired down to 25 psi.
Tanami isn't much better do recall a group of vehicles arriving soon after i did, they overtook me as i sussed out the old
homestead, one of them was a range rover with 20 inch wheels low profile tyres travelled whole of tanami track (highway?)
They muttered about track being bit rough, i smirked as i knew rest of way into highway wasn't going to be much better more rocky but still rough.
Passed them again later on as i headed back to hall creek -planned to stay out there but wind picked up as did clouds and didn't like idea of being stuck with no comms to say this where I am - one day get back there and have night or two there.