Place Comment: Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park

We did Wolfe Creek about a week ago and have to say we awarded them the Gold award for worst corrugations we have encountered on this trip so far (from Melbourne to Boulia and then the Plenty and Tanami to the Kimberley). They are relatively deep and widely spaced so at their worst need to be driven at around 10kph - least ways we did towing our 3 ton off-road caravan. We had the van's tyres down to around 20psi (on road around 40) and dropped the car by around 15 to 20 psi from on-road pressures (or around 10 below moderate track pressures) . We passed various bits that had fallen off vehicles, including an expensive complete new light unit from someone's flood/spotlight. Interesting if you want to see an impressive meteorite crater but there are better, more picturesque and more accessible sights to be seen...
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