My God! What have we done to the Holland Track?

Had my fourth trip down the Holland over the weekend leading up to Anzac Day, but my first for 6 or 7 years and was just amazed and appalled by its condition.

Far from being a very pleasant track winding through beautiful bush, with the odd puddle or deep set of ruts to be negotiated, it is now a mass of corrugations and really huge bogholes you could easily lose a vehicle in. The first of these I encountered I was inclined to drive through but the old habits clicked in and I got a stick and tested the water depth, which was over a metre deep. Woo!

As someone who uses a 4WD to get to interesting or nice places off the beaten track, rather than for any intrinsic "fun" there might be in driving it, I was a totally gobsmacked that a track I had loved and had been so familiar with had become so rough and chopped up. And damned unpleasant.

So if you're like me and more into the places your fourbie gets you rather than the fourbie itself, I'd avoid the Holland Track.
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