30 inch tyres for the Troopy?

Submitted: Monday, Mar 05, 2001 at 01:00
ThreadID: 134 Views:2425 Replies:3 FollowUps:0
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The Troopy that we just bought has desert duelers (7.50R16) on split rims. Two tyres are OK, two need to be replaced and we need to buy a second spare for our big trip. With this in mind, and knowing that we wouldnt mind a wider thread as the high center of gravity scares the hell out of my wife, we are thinking of putting all terrains on that I can get of my old car (and put on some steel rims). But...they are 30/9.50R15. What would the consequence be of driving 30inch instead of the 31inch (apart from .5 inch less clearance)?
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Reply By: Rodney Watson - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2001 at 01:00

Tuesday, Mar 06, 2001 at 01:00
The consequences are increased fuel consumption/ slower speed. Your engine will be screaming its head off and the vehicle will not be travelling at the speed you speedo shows. My Troopie came with 10R15s (31 inch), with testing along side my Wifes car and a GPS the Troopies speedo was on average out by 10%, being not in my favour (as I said above). I replaced the 10R15s with some BFGs 33 x 12.5 inch, this rectified the situation.

Test it for yourself, take readings (speedo/engine revs) running on the 7.50R16 and then do the same on the 30/9.50R15. To do this on the bitumen you only need to change the rear wheels - DONT ENGAGE 4WD whilst the vehicle is configured like this.

The Troopies wallow a bit like a buffalo, but then you rethink you driving habits and drive accordingly. It took me about 3 months to become comfortable with mine, now its second nature.
AnswerID: 245

Reply By: Russell - Saturday, Mar 10, 2001 at 01:00

Saturday, Mar 10, 2001 at 01:00
Big trip? Keep the split rims. Easier to repair, easier to find replacements, go just as well in sand, much better over rocky ground, much stronger sidewalls (particularly at low pressures)keep your ground clearance.
AnswerID: 267

Reply By: David - Sunday, Mar 18, 2001 at 01:00

Sunday, Mar 18, 2001 at 01:00
I totally agree with the previous response and having driven a troopie twice around and through Australia with split rims and either 7.5R16s or 235x85x16. The only additional comment I would make is that I had a very bad run with Goodrich All Terains on the troopie and we were destroying them after about 15-20,000 kms. Have a look at the Toyo M Series we had a set of these in the same conditions as the ATs and they not only out lasted but I think they handled better.Dont be fooled by some that say split rims are not a good choice.
AnswerID: 278

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