60% AUSLIG maps on CDROM 26 years old or older: The 1994 maps exist????
Submitted: Friday, Jun 07, 2002 at 00:00
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60% of AUSLIG CDROM RASTER MAPS (250K) are very old. Which means that a lot of features of interest and roads do not exist on the 1969, 1971 and 1984 maps.
But what is hard to comprehend is why the 1994 maps made by AUSLIG have not been included in the CDROM. The 1994 maps exist in hardcopy since 1999.
In my view this is a convenient error for AUSLIG, forcing the purchase of the 1994 hardcopies.
Would you know where to get 1994 elctronic maps to replace the 1969, 1971, 1984 elctronic maps of the 2001 CDROM? Guy
Reply By: Darren - Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
I emailed Ausling (Natmap) a few months agon with the following reply:
'Thanks for your email regarding updates of the Raster 250k set. Geoscience
Australia (formerly AUSLIG) are currently working on a new edition of the
Raster. This will have a better resolution (200dpi) and will be
geo-rectified. Of the 540 maps covering Australia over 300 of them will be
in GDA format. This product is going through a betta
test and correction
process at the moment. We do not have a time frame for availability but are
aiming for the new financial year.'
Follow Up By: Guy - Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Thanks Darren. The answer from AUSLIG does not surprise me. I found a difference of 6 km between the 1971 edition and the 1994 edition of Auslig. But on average the errors are around 3 km for roads and 4 to 6 for airports.
This does not seem much of an error when driving around the suburbs you are familiar with. But when it comes to the remote areas of Australia it becomes a serious problem. I would advise TOURISTS in general NOT to use AUSLIG maps for trekking/walking in Australia. For example if you start from one point to reach an other point even only 10 km away, you may suddenly become TOTALLY disorientated because the features appearing on your route at some specific GPS points will not correspond to the AUSLIG map. You may expect to find a
cliff or a creek and this may not be there. You can become totally confused and BECOME LOST ONLY 5 KM from where you started from. The quality of the AUSLIG MAP information is simply poor. At the moment it is easy to blame the GPS or the skill of trekker/bushwalker/4wdrivers but what about the inaccuracy of the AUSLIG Map on average 3 kms out. `Guy
Reply By: Darren - Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Also try
Follow Up By: Guy - Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Jun 10, 2002 at 00:00
Maptrax actually "copies" under contract Auslig maps.
Maptrax is not an advantage unles the Auslig maps are correct. Guy
Reply By: DennisN - Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002 at 00:00
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002 at 00:00
G'day fellers, Reading this post brings me to the thought that it is very easy to criticise. A country as big as Austalia presents a gigantic task to map - especially with our limited resources. The cost of producing survey on one 250k map is enormous to say the least. I had this fact pointed out many times during a 23 year army career where we used maps constantly. At the end of the day, unless the map was made yesterday, the changeable features on it are outdated. This can be validated by anybody who has ever wandered the gas and oil fields of Jackson and Moomba in Qld and S.A. It is impossible to keep survey up to the new tracks. What doesn't change, and any experienced navigator will vouch for this, are the basic topographical features [unless some bugger blows them away]. Ridges will always be ridges, spurs will always be spurs, saddles will always be saddles, and re-entrants will always be re-entrants - TO SOMEBODY WHO KNOWS HOW TO NAVIGATE BY LAND. Give Auslig a go - I find their map CD very useful, and I have been navigating by land and sea for more years than I can remember. Enjoy the bush :)
Follow Up By: Kezza - Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002 at 00:00
As an ex army bushie as
well I agree with dennis - most of the topographic maps are accurate on landforms and topography but youd be surprised how fast a disused road will grow over and how often fire breaks and forestry roads become major tracks with added use to the contrary of the map. Just used a map off auslig cd over the weekend in a remote part of coastal qld and found it was correct and I was wrong and I use maps weekly and have done so since 1975 usually the map shows disused roads or doesnt show a new road (or six) confuses you.
Follow Up By: Colin - Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2002 at 00:00
The advent of GPS in everyone's car has changed peoples perspective of 'where they are' enormously. If you 'throw away' your GPS and use good basic map reading/navigating and 'reading the land' skills, you will find the 'old' maps to be very reliable - 'think outside the GPS/Map' ! Geoscience Australia/AusLIG have information available on Datums, Projections, Grids etc which may help to explain to everyone why the map reference may differ from the GPS reading, the main cause of critisim !? Of course some map features like roads will change over time, but features such as sand dunes/rivers/ridges don't 'move' on maps and are usually very accurate - because of the photogrammetry plotting methods used. Some suggestions - do a good map reading/navigation course (and include the passenger, usually the 'better half'), GPS DO
BREAKDOWN ! - make sure the GPS and map are using the same datum -
check on the availability of a Geological map of the area you are visiting as the topo/cadastral info is updated. "A good bushman never gets lost, but he may not know where he is!" :)
Reply By: Guy - Friday, Jul 26, 2002 at 00:00
Friday, Jul 26, 2002 at 00:00
Darren understood
well the content of my email. The other replies went onto the nationalistic bandwagon which has nothing to do with my original posting. I am wandering sometimes why Australia bothers to have the ACCC and Consummer Affairs laws when the last two replies show they are prepared to accept any substandard products under the name of Nationalism.