Comment: EOTopo 200K
Submitted: Thursday, Jul 02, 2015 at 17:35
This Thread has been Archived
Member - Ralph & Anne C (NSW)
I have a VMS Touring 600 GPS which has the following maps as
well as (Where is Street Navigation) Mudmap version 1.0.1; and Memory Map all on a 4GB Micro HC (what the HC means I have no idea). What I want to know is if I purchase
EOTopo 200K on the 16GB Micro SD can I plug this straight into my VMS and will it work with out doing anything else because if I have to do anything else I am lost.
P.S. I wish I could understand all of this.
Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Adele - Thursday, Jul 02, 2015 at 19:26
Thursday, Jul 02, 2015 at 19:26
Hi Ralph,
As the VMS's SD card will likely have both Software and Map files stored on it that the unit requires to be able to work correctly, unfortunately the process would not be as simple as just replacing the unit's SD with the
EOTopo SD.
How you go about purchasing and loading the maps will depend on whether you have activated OziExplorer CE on this device, or whether you are using the VMS Off-Road Software, as
well as how much room is currently available on the device's SD card (if you can let me know this I can give you some additional advice).
What I usually recommend if you do not think you will be able to install the maps yourself would be to ask a friend or family member with intermediate computer skills to assist, or to look for an IT consultant in your area to come out and do the install for you (they would not necessarily need experience with GPS/Digital Maps as we provide instructions on our
EOTopo Help and FAQ page that they should be able to follow).
Follow Up By: Member - Ralph & Anne C (NSW) - Friday, Jul 03, 2015 at 10:22
Friday, Jul 03, 2015 at 10:22
Thanks Adele for that information, as we leave on Tuesday I will leave
EOTopo till we get back and have time to play with it. will just go with the Memory Maps that are in the VMS