Comment: TomO (The Outback Mailman)

Submitted: Friday, May 02, 2014 at 21:39
ThreadID: 116552 Views:1050 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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What a great little story. Not that I knew, but it's of no surprise to me that travellers would be asked to deliver items along the track. I have heard of Tom Kruse, I should get off my butt and finish some books and get onto his story. And also, thanks for clearing up the "landy" situation.
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Reply By: The Landy - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:24

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:24
Hi Chriso, yes the Tom Kruse story is fantastic!
AnswerID: 549186

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