Comment: Back to the North

Hi there Guys
Good to hear yer giving RB the flick! Stick to Caffe Latte, remember you come from Melbourne,Latte Capital of the World (true!& we drink it all hours). Better for yr bones.
Long road north sounds peppered with interesting folk, good & bad. BTW how's Skips?

Have you seen The Rock, Uluru, before? Look fwd to hearing your very first impression, then I'll give you mine.
Meantime, Sta Bené, Ave
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Reply By: Russell E3 - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:24

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:24
Hey , have seen rock before- like 25 years ago, climbed it, whilst you can climb it now, it's fround upon.
It's all very commercialized , everything expensive, but I like where we are staying
My feeling is that it's for all Australians so I will continue to call it Ayers Rock. Having said that, I respect that it has spiritual significance for indeginious aborigines
Your thoughts?
AnswerID: 549156

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