Comment: Vehicle overloaded

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 08, 2014 at 15:36
ThreadID: 116345 Views:989 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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I agree with the above. GVM is either fixed by the factory or by a certified engineer if you have upgraded the suspension capabilities (ARB, Lovels, etc). Once certified, that's it - the GVM is what is on the certificate. If you load the car with a gross weight above its GVM, you are doing something that is illegal. Sure as you use fuel or drop off the kids the gross weight reduces and it may come down below the GVM. Once this happens, you are once more doing what is legal.

I have recently added OME shockers and ARB springs to my LC. While I can get an engineer to certify that the car now has a 3500 kg GVM (up from the factory 3250 kg), until I have the certificate I can only load it to 3250kg. Hope this helps.


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