Comment: Unexpected Encounters with Australian Reptiles #2 - Black Headed Python

Oh yes,
Well I remember said morning..up and out of the swag, looking forward to another productive day of travel, I found time to partake of some nourishing breakfast.
A quick cuppa and it was time to take care of the more 'natural' bodily functions.

A wander down to a small gully, out of sight from my other camping companions, and aahhhh.

Standing there quietly contemplating nature and enjoying the scenery I glanced down to my left and found that I was actually peeeing on a bluddy big snake...........

Oh dear I thought, said snake does not look too impressed with his early morning shower. At this stage I did not bother to study the snake closely to determine type/sex/age or even if it was bleep off with me.

All of my bits did indeed retract, automatically I might add, and I decided that the other members of our troop may be interested in the local wildlife. So, quietly so as not disturb the wet 3metre snake I strolled up to camp and gently let the others know that a photographic opportunity was available to those that were interested.

I then cleaned my teeth, changed pants and finished packing whilst all the others were ooohhhing and aaaahhhing about said snake. My job was done, I had found it...

Mick O may just remember the occassion slightly differently, but I can assure you my version is much more accurate......I think!!

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