Comment: Canning Stock Route - Defeated by the desert and our retreat to Well 45

Hi Mick

I would consider trhat you did quite well, as there have been many have travelled from Wiluna to Kunawaritji then turned back. The wife and I have also helped quite a few that have been in vehicle distress and foolishly tried to push on.

My wife is desert born and bred, she walked that area until she was in her teens with her parents as nomads, so she is extremelly familiar with that area, we will always go and help anyopne we hear about that may need help.

We have done the entire CSR in various sorts of weather, but we also know all the side tracks and because of her family connections (and the fact that I have been through Abopriginal law), we can take tracks that are now closed, but will open again in the not too distant future.

Good on you for having a look at a wonderful bit of country and recording your trip for others to learn from. Safe travels in the future.


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