
Submitted: Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 09:07
ThreadID: 11086 Views:2209 Replies:8 FollowUps:3
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Could anyone please tell me as to whether it would be possible / practical to take an off road camper trailer along the CSR from about Well 32 through to Well 22 weather and track permitting. We are planning to traverse the Gary Junction Road through to well 32 in June this year and were considering coming down this stretech of the CSR to join up with the talawana track at about well 22 then continue west along the talawana track through to rudall river NP and then onto Newman.

Any info regarding this would be appreicated...

Kindest Regards .. Andrew MCdade ..

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Reply By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 09:28

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 09:28
Hello Andrew, have you been into Trip Planning and Travel Notes and checked in there - also should be some good replies in archives.
AnswerID: 49496

Reply By: Member - Bob - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:59

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:59

we are travelling from Kintore along the Gary Junction Rd in April. We then use the Wapet Rd after crossing the CSR. I'll let you know what conditions are like when (and if) I get back. Not taking trailer on this trip though because it costs as much as a car to truck back from Broome ($1306)
AnswerID: 49503

Follow Up By: Member -Bob & Lex (Sydney) - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 16:38

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 16:38
Where you trucking it back to & with whom Bob as getting enough time away from the business to do the Kimberly is impossible & I don't want to wait till I retire as my dad droped dead a week after his & i'm very nervous.
FollowupID: 311322

Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 12:46

Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 12:46
Same here Bob. Trucking it back saves about 4 days travel and costs $1300 plus $490 airfare (although cheaper now since I paid for the ticket before Christmas).
The mob I have been using are Auto Trans Express
FollowupID: 311436

Reply By: Crackles - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 15:22

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 15:22
Andrew. That section of the Canning contains some of the biggest dunes of the entire trip including multiple crested dunes which can be difficult even without a trailer. Can it be done? Of course. Should you tow a trailer? Most people say no but with the right gear it can be done with a little bit of preparation.
What car do you drive? I suggest if you are towing in sand you'll need a minimum of 135 KW of power. ie: Turbo diesel Landcruiser or petrol Patrol etc.
It would be an advantage if you can back a trailer 100 metres using your mirrors and should have a tow vehicle in front of you with 2 straps.
Be prepared to let your tyres way down. (14 PSI)
The biggest problem people have on the Canning is usually overloading the car. Towing a trailer only increases the likelyhood of taking too much so you must keep the weight down. (under 1 tonne Gross)
What type of trailer is it? There are trailers that claim they can go off road then there are the handfull that are actually built strong enough to go anywhere. In my experience coil suspension with shocks and heavey bearings are the best.
Lastly the sand conditions can change a fair bit. If it's been dry and alot of traffic has chopped the track up it will be very difficult however after some rain the sand firms up and you barely need 4x4. Possibly need to contact someone over there before you go. (Kunawaajji community should know)
Sounds like a great trip you've got planned. Mmmm. Maybe I could hide in the trailer. Have fun Craig................................
AnswerID: 49533

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 16:35

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 16:35
Thank you Crackles for that very useful response to vk5ex. This is back to the level of polite, detailed, useful and friendly advice that our Forum has become well known for providing.

I wasn't exactly sure however that I agreed with him in that the section from 33 south to Talawanna in terms of dunes so I've just checked my own diary, the map and my references to be sure. If you aren't travelling further south of the Talawanna, and therefore not going to Well 22 itself, then you actually miss the really big dunes in that area. The trouble areas you might encounter would be between Well 29 - 28 where there is a soft, hilly section with some twists and also the corrugations from 33 - 31 are very bad, and with a trailer you would need to really be sure you had a strong unit and drove according to conditions to minimise shock absorber damage. (please go to the Journal section under the Trip Planning menu and look at the CSR diary that details each leg of the trip from well to well for further information) as well as our trek note of course.

Trailers are certainly a last option on the CSR for all the very sound reasons outlined by Crackles and we would not take one. So although I'm downplaying what Crackles has said about the dunes in this section, I am still not condoning taking a trailer. It is your choice.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 49540

Reply By: Member - George (WA) - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 17:40

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 17:40
Itravelled along the Talawana Track, during November just gone, from Cotton Creek to Well 22.
The Talawana Track is extremely corrugated, I mean corrugations measuring 200mm high.
Passed a trailer, looked like a purpose made off road trailer, left at the side of the track completely broken up.
My guess is that they were travelling too fast.
Top speed along that section of the Talawana Track would be a little more than walking pace, about 8km/hr
Any faster than that and expect bits to fall/break from your car and trailer.
Once you reach the Cotton Creek turn off the track improves significantly
AnswerID: 49556

Reply By: Arkay - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 18:11

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 18:11
Spoke last week at the Caravan and Camping show to Phil Candy from Candy Canvas Tintinara (Great Swags & canvas goodies) who did it last June with 3 vehicles (utes + tray top campers they make). We were curious ourselves. He showed us some of his photos. Phil said NO WAY take anything that doesn't have driven wheels. He said they followed the principle of first vehicle over snatched the next one rather than have the second one go back & try again & cut up the track, and they did that lots of times. A trailer would have been a pain. Give him a phone call if you'd like. Phil & Sandy Candy are very approachable.

73s Rob. VK5KP
AnswerID: 49561

Follow Up By: vk5ex - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 22:07

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 22:07
Hi Rob,

Been a long time since Ive heard you on "air".

Anyway thanks to all those that have given advice on this. Travelling along the CSR is really a means to an end. We are trying to work out the best / most interesting way from Alice springs , through to Newman. The main purppose of the trip was to get across to the Pilbara and then head up to the Kimberly area. We are also considering going straight through from the gary junction road , cross the CSR and then up to the Telfor mine road and then down into Rudall NP.
We'll se how it all pans out as time goes on.

Regards .. Andrew

FollowupID: 311384

Reply By: Member - John- Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 00:33

Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 00:33
I have a close friend who has visited the CSR 13 times since 1979 (but still hasn't driven it end to end ... he's thorough!). He took a trailer once and swears never again. You are asking for big heaps of trouble trying to drag trailers over sand dunes ... that's providing the corrugations haven't already rendered your trailer suspension a heap of unserviceable junk.

most common failure on the GRR is broken camper trailer suspensions. second most common failure is vehicle suspensions. Both because of overloading and excessive speed. leave the kitchen sink at home and throw out half the weight in stuff you probably won't use and enjoy the trip!

Want to guess what it costs to recover a broken trailer on the CSR? On the GRR it is around $2500 for a flat top truck recovery of your dead fourbie AND they will tow your trailer for free !! Don't think flat top 2WD trucks do recoveries on the CSR?

Derby, WA
AnswerID: 49623

Reply By: Coops (Pilbara) - Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 02:59

Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 02:59
unbelieveable amount of rain out there this year and I'd imagine things to be tougher than usual in the area as far as corrugations and washouts go.
AnswerID: 49626

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