Monday, Nov 24, 2014 at 19:44
I guess that's cheaper than taking your own G-Wagen.
If something on your G-Wagen broke on the Route, you could easily be up for a $9,995 bill to fix it!
So, if the trip includes fares from
Perth, then they aren't doing the whole route?
They're just doing the Northern section?
I guess they start at
Halls Creek? Do the "tour-ees" have to find their own way to the start point?
That's a pretty expensive tour for a shortened tour, and having only one air fare.
That's nearly $625 a day. Hmmm,
well I guess they'll get a few Euro people who want to see the real Outback with no major loss of comforts.
I read an article where a German couple were on their SIXTH tour of the
Kimberley coastline on True North.
At $17,995 a trip, I guess it means they were merely spending a little petty cash left over from his bank CEO retirement package!