Sunday, Sep 28, 2014 at 11:12
Don't believe everything you are told.
Waeco make a wide variety of fridge products ranging from very small to full sized fridge freezers.
and remember 100watts is very little power when compared to most houshold appliances.
The fact is our mobile, battery powered systems have very restricted capacities and all to often people do not grasp this.
to avoid disapointment you need to account for every bit of current comming and going and optomism does not pay.
Y typical 30 to 40 litre fridge run as a fridge does indeed draw a small AVERAGE current spread over time.....but run that same machine run as a freezer at "recommended safe temperature" will draw 4 to 6 times ( or more) than it would run as a fridge under the same conditions......the motor will run more or less continuoulsy especially if it is freezing stuff down.
there are some articles on this site that may be helpfull or look for books by "Colin Rivers"....."solar that works" is one title that comes to mind.
have a trawl thru the back threads concerning fridges and battery systems.....these and similar issues come up very regularly.
remember 3 things
Solar pannels only output their rated capacity in the strongest sunlight and only for a few hours a day.
Never believe the average current consumption figures published by the fridge manufacturers.....those figures are very optomistic and in real use they draw far more.
It does not pay to be optomistic about current demand, battery capacity or solar output.