Not so grey nomads
Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 at 21:00
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sam h6
Help my head is spinning.
It all started in 2010 we had a 3 months travelling on the east coast with our eldest son - then age two, in our camper trailer. In 2013 we spent 6 months travelling the big lap with our two son's, in a beautiful double bunk van and we got the bug big time. Now it's 2014 and with our third - and final, son now 5 months old we are in the process of gathering quotes for a triple bunk van for 12 plus months on the road.
Does this need for adventure and freedom of the road ever subside? We will have to find work along our journey and
home school our eldest son, so it's not all beer and skittles, but, we are really finding it hard to settle in to normal
home life. Also its always a worry for us that we are doing the wrong thing by our kids, taking them away from family and friends at an age where forming friendships is such a crucial part of their development.
Are there other people who have done this same thing with opinions to share? Positives and negatives.
Reply By: Mark S26 - Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 at 23:08
Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 at 23:08
Hi there, we're currently dragging our 8 and 10 year olds around Australia in a 23ft van. The usual kit, bunk beds, solar panels, loo, same old stuff. We've taken a 12 month sabbatical, are 9 months into our travels and with the end quickly approaching we made the decision as a family, to travel for another year. Just like you guys we will have to work to fund the remainder of our journey. Fitting back into the 'norm' will be hard for us as
well, in fact we're pretty sure we wont be going back to our old life in the city.
We all miss our friends and family back
home, but stay in touch and having said that, we've made some wonderful new friends through our travels. We find the boys are more open to new friendships, and tend to waste no time in getting to know kids around the campsites. In fact we found this typical of lots of kids who travel. That's gotta be a plus. We
home school as
well and that has it's good and bad days, but the education the kids are getting through travel combined with one on one tuition has got to count for something. We worry about having taken them out of their social sporting clubs but when we see them crabbing or snorkelling we're reminded that they're developing different skills. All in all, it's really a drop in the ocean. Hope this helps a little bit.
Reply By: LeeJ - Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 08:08
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 08:08
I would love to do this, and I may one day. I don't think your doing your children and injustice at all, quite the opposite in fact. The skills and knowledge they gain from such an adventure will far outweigh skills learnt in day to day routined life.
Follow Up By: Member - Munji - Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 08:37
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 08:37
Yep, it will be an education for them that others will never get to see or hear about.
At least they will learn about the history and
geography of this beautiful country that other kids will never experience.
Reply By: pmk03 - Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:21
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:21
Although not for the long terms you are talking we took our daughter with us on a 4 week trip every year over most of Australia from when she was 11 mths old. Mostly taking her our of school right up until secondary school.
She has experienced a ton of what this country has to offer over that time & has seen things most of her school friends might never.
From secondary school the trips got shorter & had to fit into School Holiday periods.But we still kept travelleing with her.
She is currently doing her VCE & we dont get away much anymore with her now.
She has turned into a wonderful
young person at 18 Yrs. & I think the travelleing only added to this.
I miss the times we had travelleing while she was younger..... But thats life.... She stilll at
home but has other things in life to keep her busy... I hope on the odd occasion she will still come away with us.
I guess what I'm saying is do it while you can, make the most of the times together they don't last forever...
Cheers Paul
Follow Up By: Chris_K - Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 16:50
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 16:50
Yep - ditto it while you can. They grow up too soon, and then you'll (hopefully) be doing it all by yourselves. It's often said its the things you don't do that you'll never regret spending more time with the kids!
Reply By: Kenell - Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 19:15
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 at 19:15
sam h6,
I was a "victim" of my parent's wanderlust in the early 60s. I have very clear memories of those times 50+ years later yet I recall very little of my school life pre 10 years old. We were always a very close family and the siblings remain so. I can't help wondering how much all that time in the back of the FC, EJ or other bone shaker had to do with that. By the age of 7 I was a capable navigator and could calculate fuel economy and time between towns thanks to Dad's teaching, a pencil and an exercise book. Calculators didn't exist until many years later. I spy, reg plate cricket and other games were fun ways to learn skills that perhaps others were picking up in class. My
geography and Australian history knowledge was second to none all through my schooling because I had a practical classroom upbringing. My message is do it do it do it. Limit the videos, electronic gizmos and such and challenge their thirsty brains and you will be amazed at their recall, years later.
Reply By: Member - Bruce B5 - Sunday, Sep 21, 2014 at 12:57
Sunday, Sep 21, 2014 at 12:57
Hi Sam h6 I to started out with my mum & dad & brother traveling Australia once it is in you the travel bug you can not give it up my dad & mum worked all over Australia & did not have any trouble getting work were they went. I am now middle age & I to have work with my wife in parts of Australia traveling our country in a 30ft van with a petrol landcruiser on gas when you have not said what you & you wife do for jobs now if you are open to have a go,at any thing you should not have to worry about working.I think your children will love there time touring around they will meet new friends go to new
places it will be a big adventure to them & if you are missing the folks jump on a plane be back to them in no time I think the positives out way the negatives remember you only get one life get out there that my 5 cents worth good traveling keep us posted on your travels Bruce B