gregory downs / lawn hill road conditions.

Hi every one next year in the winter season we would like to tow a 16,1/2 foot poptop into lawn hill with a vf commodore sedan.
I have heard that the first part of the road to the mine is usually kept in good condition.
It is the second part that I am concerned about. Corrugations and pot holes are not really an issue but while I have plenty of clearance on the van I only have 170 cm clearance on the car.
I was hoping some one could give me an indication of the number of washouts or culvets that could cause me some grief on the way in.
I would like to travel soon after the grader has gone through.
Last year when I had a car with more clearance I enqired re the road conditions both from the management of the park and the gregory downs hotel and got two conflicting reports and did not know who to believe.
Any way any info would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. Brian
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