gregory downs / lawn hill road conditions.
Submitted: Sunday, Sep 07, 2014 at 20:26
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Hi every one next year in the winter season we would like to tow a 16,1/2 foot poptop into
lawn hill with a vf commodore
I have heard that the first part of the road to the
mine is usually kept in good condition.
It is the second part that I am concerned about. Corrugations and pot holes are not really an issue but while I have plenty of clearance on the van I only have 170 cm clearance on the car.
I was hoping some one could give me an indication of the number of washouts or culvets that could cause me some grief on the way in.
I would like to travel soon after the
grader has gone through.
Last year when I had a car with more clearance I enqired re the road conditions both from the management of the park and the
gregory downs hotel and got two conflicting reports and did not know who to believe.
Any way any info would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. Brian
Reply By: Member - BUSH CAMPER - Sunday, Sep 07, 2014 at 21:18
Sunday, Sep 07, 2014 at 21:18
Hard question to answer, road conditions change due to
mine trucks, however the mines keep the road in pretty good condition. We were there last year, but had a LC200 with an offroad van, no problems, just lower your tyre pressure and drive to the conditions. Most crossing aren't deep, but
check each one before you enter. You will be surprised about the number of people up there. I would stay at
Gregory Downs, on the river and do day trips into
Lawn Hill. You will have a great time.
Regards Hugh
Follow Up By: brianH - Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 06:20
Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 06:20
Thank you for the info Hugh, regards, Brian
Reply By: Chris_K - Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 08:07
Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 08:07
Hi Brian
We were at
Lawn Hill last year - and while you'd probably be ok, that definitely depends on the road conditions. The real issue will be your tyres, if you need to pull over for a road train/truck (likely to happen) you'll want to drive very carefully.
I personally wouldn't do it with a Commodore - but then again, I've also seen Mazda hatchbacks on the Development Rd at
Cape York!
check closer to the date with the nice folks at Adels Grove before going.
Follow Up By: brianH - Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 09:29
Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 09:29
Thank you Chris, regards, Brian
Reply By: Member - Kevin S (QLD) - Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 17:21
Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 17:21
Hi Brian. We were through there about 6 weeks ago towing a Coromal off road van with a Mitsubishi Challenger. It is a good
well formed gravel road all of the way but narrows a bit towards Adel's Grove. From
Gregory Downs to the
mine turn off the road was very good and quite OK to Adel's Grove although a bit corrugated in
places. There were no washouts but a couple of stream crossings but they were dry and quite solid. From Adel's Grove to
Lawn Hill Gorge the road was awful but it is a good width and sound gravel. It was just that you almost needed to change gear to drive up the corrugations (exaggerating of course), particularly the short bit between Adel's Grove and the turn to
The clearance issue for you will probably be heaped gravel between the wheel tracks. That can be a bit of an issue.
If you phone Adel's Grove make sure you are talking to one of the people who own the place. Their seasonally hired staff may not have a clue. Whoever you talk to, press them for detail, so that you understand what they are saying. Just "good" or "terrible" and the like are not good enough. As you probably know, one man's goat track is another man's highway.
And don't even think of going out of
Lawn Hill to
Camooweal. Also, don't expect approaching traffic to slow as they approach you, unless your dust will blow into their face. They all seem to think the priority is to stay on top of the corrugations no matter how fast you have to go to do that!
It is a great place to visit and one of my favorite
places on Earth, as you will guess from my signature picture.
Follow Up By: Member - john y - Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 21:16
Monday, Sep 08, 2014 at 21:16
excellent advice kevin we drove this route recently also.your comments are accurate
john y