Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 14:39
Dana, we got fuel fine @
well 23 last year aorund July. 6 years is stretching the advice a bit too far.
NZdave - fi you don't use the drop @
well 23, then given it's over 1000ks from
Wiluna to Kunawarrijtji, for safety and excursion on side tracks you would have ot conservatively allow for at least 1200ks.
You've got to factor in your own vehicle fuel usage and the weight of the extra fuel and supplies.
Each vehicle is different so if oyu're going to carry your own fuel, it pays to lean to the conservative side...
There was a rash of stolen fuel form
well 23 about 3-4 years back, but haven't heard of any thefts recently.