Camp oven/Cobb Cook books

Hi guys

Looking for a great camp oven /Cobb Cook book for a good friend of mine any recomadations.

Cheers ken
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Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Wednesday, Apr 23, 2014 at 19:00

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2014 at 19:00
G'day ken,

I have a Hillbilly Camp Oven Cookbook which is great.
I can't find it listed on their Website but if you give them a ring, they can tell you more about it and where you may be able to purchase it, either over the phone or one of the agents.
There is a list of Resellers on their Website for all States. Just select the one near you.
Camping with Hillbilly

PS: I love my Hillbilly!

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 531083

Reply By: OBJ - Wednesday, Apr 23, 2014 at 20:30

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2014 at 20:30
At the risk of stating the obvious, have you taken a look through the ExplorOz shop here? They have a few books like that.

AnswerID: 531085

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