Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 19:21
start with fitting a sealed maintenance free battery..that will solve a lot of problems.
apply some anti corrosion spray when fitting the fuse.
There are a couple of problems with fusable limks in the form of wire.
#1 the actual wire is getting a little hard to lay hands on now
#2 The quality and behaviour of the fuseable likk is variable
#3 there is no consistent colour code
This is whay almost without exception the modern vehicles are fitted with cartridge type fusable links
At lease with blade fuse and holder you have an item that can easily be obtained and replaced
If ya don't like blade fuses, there are other choices...cartridge type fusable links like come on the modern vehicles are probably easier ANL fuses.
Thinking about it...if I had to do it again I'd fit an ANL fuse block and fuses.