Hi all.
I would like a couple of knowledgeable opinions on the most suitable mapping systems for me.
I have been researching for weeks and getting more confused. In 2012 I came down with Viral Encephalitis from shingles. A forced year plus off the road, but now able to get back into it. However the result has left me with a number of issues. In this case limited abilities to concentrate, evaluate and work through tech issues.
I still 4WD with friends and club mates and will be touring with my off road van again soon. We usually do a High Country and desert trip each year, and possible a
Cape York trip is coming up.
I have a windows based PC and laptop.
An android tablet [Asus 10.5in transformer]
2 x android smart phones
a generic 7in GPS running oziexplorer demo version
The idea is to plan trips on the PC or laptop and run them on the Tablet and or GPS
So I am after a very user friendly system that will work without having to convert files etc. that do my head in.
Maps of mainland Aus with route planning, POI's camps etc
I have researched [became confused]
EOTopo countless times but it seems you need knowledge about it already [ or its my inability to understand at the moment] as I can't seem to find out what it is capable of doing.
Memory map gives a list of its functions that seem great but a bit complicated for me to set up. Map sets to cover my areas seem expensive.??
Mud Maps. A club mate had these on a recent
Barrington Tops trip. seemed OK except vehicle position and track were very often out. Some reviews are scathing.??
Ozi explorer. have run the demo version but possibly a bit over complicated for me.
Bearing in mind my limitations to work out software problems, what would some of you knowledgeable people recommend. Could you give a step by step guide that gets it up and running so I could determine if I can manage it.
Thanks in advance