Saturday, Jan 18, 2014 at 09:44
Sorry but what a complete load of illogically reasoned hog wash.
Truck tyres have nothing to do with gas bottles or air compressors..
Firstly truck tyres and air compressors do not contain flamable gas.
Secondly truck tyres and compressors are specifically designed and fit for the purpose in which they are used....AND they are covered by regulations and work practices appropriate.
As far as risk is concerned, particularly to the general public.
Gas bottles and the carrage of gas containers in vehicles is a risk that has proven to require regulation and every year there are gas fires and explosions due to neglect and people thinking that they personally know better. There are a few spactacular events that get reported in the media and many more that don't.
The single predominating risk from gas containers is leakage of the flamable contents, not the performance of the container as a pressure vessel.
The second predominating risk from gas containers is explosion when the container is exposed to fire.
The durability of the actual pressure vessel is very rarely an issue in recertification of gas continers designed for reuse.
The two predominating issues are the valves & seals and the high temperature pressure relief valve.
These disposable containers will have seals that are designed to reliable for a dozen or so connections and disconnections to the equipment and a few years on the shelf..
The refillable containers have valves & seals that are designed to be relaible over a 10 year period and to be connected and disconnected many many times..
Now back to the matter of compressors and truck tyres.
There are regulations and work practices covering both.
All compressor tanks sold in
Australia are required to be manufactured to Australian standards, tested and marked as such.
Compressor tanks over a certain capacity ( the figure illudes me for the moment) are required to be periodically inspected and recertified.
The reason for this is that as the air volume increases, the potential energy contained in that tank increases considerably.
Anybody with an understanding of faiures in high pressure air systems will tell you that rapid release of energy stored in compressed air can deliver extraordinary amounts of instantanious power.
Further compressor air tanks are cycled many times each day and internal corrosion is very much an issue.
If you have a large compressor in your business, you have rocks in your head not to have it inspected regularly.
On the matter of truck tyres.
The truck tyre is specifically designed for its purpose and there most definitely ARE regulations and work practices pertaining to truck tyres.
Every thing about the truck tyre and how it is used is regulated and standardised.
All but the most ignorant, in the heavy transport industry are aware of the basic risks associated with air pressure in truck tyres.
Many would not be aware of the regulations and standards because they will mostly be aplied at a higher level than their involvement with the tyre.
If you are affraid of trucks there are plenty of other things to be affraid of before you worry about a tyre exploding on a truck you happen to be near.
There are not a great number of incidents of truck tyres exploding and harming motorists.
There are plenty of other issues, many of them the motorists fault that happen every day.
In the last month I have seen two incidents where motorists have pushed their luck and been snotted by trucks.