Solar power

Hi all.

Just returned from a weekend test running our new 80lt Waeco freezer fridge, and good but not as good as expected.

The fridge performed great, but I could not keep up with power to feed it, so my current set up is:

100 Amp battery, charged by car when travelling and 110 Amp solar system that was purchased from the doggies at Seven Hills, so it could only be a 80 Amp system.

I jumped on the the Net and found a 150 Amp system (Sharp) for $ 369.00

I assume this would keep the battery charged (on a good day) as we only will be using the fridge/freezer ( 2.9 Ah/HR), LED lights and short time for computer/charging battery charging.

Do you normally run the fridge during the night, or do you turn it off.

All ideas appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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