Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 13:34
I am not a fridge mechanic but I would think they would at least
check where the fridge in question is being used.
A 100mm 0r 150mm dia computer fan running off the same battery will/should ensure an adequate air volume is constantly changing if you judiciously apply a large hole saw to the affected area. Same air same problem is how I see it.
In my 4WD I have a fan to dump air from outside to the condensers of both fridges exactly for that purpose.
If in a hot environment the heat is coming out of the condenser and it can;t cool in same air and that same air is then adding heat to the case to be pumped out again. Dog biting tail. ie, greatly reduced performance and ability to cool let alone freeze.
Have you added additional insulation, ie, slabs of Broccoli foam box or polystyrene sheet foam to keep cold in and heat from penetrating.
portable fridges are pretty dammed poor in insulation.
I find it interesting many fridges have problems and after searching the owner find there IS and upgrade or similar for the controllers.
My little Waeco will not freeze very
well at all/hardly, if it breathes it's own air.
House fridges also have to have a convection airgap around them so they can lose the heat or they run full time too.
I have found by adding a computer fan which can run full time ie switched for HOT area or wired to the compressor on an Engel it reduces the run time and overall energy use is less. Fan about 0,2Amp.
I have three fans inside the case of my Engel and in 30C ambient it will pull down to -18 but not without lots of insulation and the fans.
Ross M