Upload picture

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 18:18
ThreadID: 103473 Views:1326 Replies:2 FollowUps:6
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I am trying to upload a picture in the Classified ads. After I have uploaded the picture and completed the other details, I then try to save it but it continually comes up as "Error saving picture". The picture is only 61Kb. Anyone got any clues ?
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Reply By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 18:44

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 18:44
Which Ad?

As the outboard has a photo attached and it is listed as sold.

Cheers Kev
Russell Coight:
He was presented with a difficult decision: push on into the stretching deserts, or return home to his wife.

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AnswerID: 515610

Follow Up By: Member-George (WA) - Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 18:56

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 18:56
Hi Kev, you refer to an old ad.
I have not placed the new one yet until I can resolve uploading the picture problem. Cheers
FollowupID: 794908

Follow Up By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 19:14

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 19:14
If using the free member display listing you may have to get Adele to remove the old Ad first as I think you can only have 1 Active "free" display ad at a time.
Hopefully David will respond to confirm :)

Cheers Kev
Russell Coight:
He was presented with a difficult decision: push on into the stretching deserts, or return home to his wife.

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FollowupID: 794909

Follow Up By: Member-George (WA) - Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 19:19

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013 at 19:19
OK, Thanks Kev.
FollowupID: 794910

Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 at 19:16

Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 at 19:16
I have just fully tested this and it seems to be working fine. I am however about to install some updates to the image upload system. These updates will go in over night?

Can you try again and see what happens? If you are still having problems please email me one of the images and I will give it a try (david at exploroz.com )

David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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AnswerID: 515671

Follow Up By: Member-George (WA) - Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 at 19:23

Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 at 19:23
Thanks David, I will try again tomorrow morning and let you know how it went. Cheers
FollowupID: 794978

Follow Up By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Thursday, Aug 01, 2013 at 01:14

Thursday, Aug 01, 2013 at 01:14
Just finished updating the system with the latest version of the upload system. This new version will auto reduce images down on the client machine (your machine) prior to upload and I have fully tested the save functions so please give it a go and let me know how you get on.

Maybe even try uploading your master images/photos if you have them.

David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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FollowupID: 795001

Follow Up By: Member-George (WA) - Thursday, Aug 01, 2013 at 19:49

Thursday, Aug 01, 2013 at 19:49
Thanks David, all good now. Cheers
FollowupID: 795042

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