Ford Ranger - One of the top ten

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 13:03
ThreadID: 102780 Views:2588 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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Looking at the Edmunds web site from the US and it rates the 10 Best Cars not available in the USA.

10 Best cars not available in the USA

Ford Ranger is on the list and it appears that of the 10 nine are available in Australia.

Perhaps we should be thankful for what is readily available here.
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Reply By: Road Warrior - Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 15:34

Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 15:34
Yep, and the Ranger was designed and engineered in Australia what's more. Pity it isnt built here.
AnswerID: 513162

Reply By: Echucan Bob - Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 18:01

Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 18:01
I am sure if the Yanks were prepared to pay more than twice what they are worth like we do they could have all of them too.
AnswerID: 513169

Follow Up By: Lyn W3 - Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 19:30

Saturday, Jun 15, 2013 at 19:30
What I would like to know is why the Commodore manufactured in OZ and sold in the USA as the Chevy SS has a price of $44,000 USD while the equivalent Commodore here has a base price of around $75,000.
FollowupID: 791838

Follow Up By: Leroy - Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 08:59

Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 08:59
You're way off the mark. I think you better look up the pricing of an SS Commodore here

The Australian price is very similar VF Commodore SS V8: $41,990/$44,190 (man/auto)

FollowupID: 791868

Reply By: Smouch - Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 08:01

Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 08:01
What? No 70 series Cruiser on the List.

I thought they lusted after those things over there.
AnswerID: 513191

Reply By: Leroy - Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 09:01

Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 at 09:01
The reason the Ranger is not available in the USA is becuse Ford didn't want to labotomise the F150 market it has. The F150 is about 15% larger than the Ranger.

AnswerID: 513194

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