Pink Roadhouse Oodnadatta - Sold

The Pink Roadhouse has been sold and Lynnie Plate is moving on.

"On Friday 12th July 530-10pm PLATE FAREWELL PARTY at Pink Roadhouse with speeches, music, food and fun and you get to meet the new owners. All welcome. Food and alcohol available."

Full details on Facebook here Pink Roadhouse Farewell
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Reply By: Members Pa & Ma. - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 13:56

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 13:56
We wish Lynnie & the family all the best for the future. Unless our plans for this years holiday go very wrong we will be unable to attend,, so farewell, hoping that the next part of your journey through life is a good one.
Take care, safe travels. Ma, Pa & Gus.
AnswerID: 513049

Reply By: Candace S. - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 14:35

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 14:35
"End of an era" indeed! I'm glad I was able to visit there on my 2008 trip. Best wishes, Lynnie!

I'm one of five people on the planet not on FB so I can't look at the link. And my google search didn't turn up any news. Who is the new owner, and what do they plan to do with the roadhouse?
AnswerID: 513053

Follow Up By: Greg D1 - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:11

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:11
I am one of the other 4 people not on FB so would also appreciate any news re the new owners and future of the roadhouse
FollowupID: 791695

Follow Up By: Geoff (Newcastle, NSW) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:13

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:13
Well that's 3 of the 5 on this Forum!

What odds that!!
Landcruiser HDJ78,
Grey hair is hereditary, you get it from children. Baldness is caused by watching the Wallabies.

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FollowupID: 791696

Follow Up By: baz&pud (tassie) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:31

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:31
We are the 4th out of the five.
Go caravaning, life is so much shorter than death.

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FollowupID: 791697

Follow Up By: Member - Keith C (NSW) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:53

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:53
Struth. Amazing, seems we all live in Oz
FollowupID: 791700

Follow Up By: Member - Allan L2 - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:12

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:12
Well that leaves me, No 5.
We are booked in for a night in August. Was looking forward to meeting Lyn & family but will be too late for that & too early to meet the new Owners. Wishing Lyn & family all the best in the future.
FollowupID: 791701

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:22

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:22
Man that makes me number 6 out of 5. :-(
FollowupID: 791703

Follow Up By: DIGGER 12 - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:25

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:25
Me number 7
FollowupID: 791705

Follow Up By: Ross M - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:38

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:38
mikeHZZ + DIGGER12 + myself are in the second 5.

Who wants a face ache anyway. What does "like" mean like and what if I don't like, like.
I knew a bloke once who always said like all the time, he was known as "like like" by all who knew him.
FollowupID: 791708

Follow Up By: Member - Clive G (NZ) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 19:48

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 19:48
Me number 8 and I'm not even in Oz.
FollowupID: 791713

Follow Up By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 20:20

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 20:20
What's a face book??? Michael
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Somewhere you want to explore ? There is no time like the present.

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FollowupID: 791718

Follow Up By: Candace S. - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:10

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:10
I wish I didn't know what face book is! Maybe my coworkers would get some work done if they were also unaware of it, lol.

P.S. I'm not in Oz either!
FollowupID: 791728

Follow Up By: Member - Duncan W (WA) - Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 09:56

Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 09:56
Face what???????????
Make sure you give back more than you take

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FollowupID: 791748

Follow Up By: Member - bbuzz (NSW) - Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 16:45

Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 16:45
9, 10 or 11?
Who cares if you had a ham sandwich for lunch!


Bill B

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FollowupID: 791783

Reply By: Member - Jack - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:37

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:37
Well done and best wishes to Lynnie.
I hope she has a very happy 'retirement' on what must have been one of the toughest jobs imaginable.
I stayed overnight Oodnadatta, and it was the most terrible night ever, due to the local inhabitants fighting and swearing all night and bashing on the tin fence around the caravan park. I don't know which mental gelding decided a pub would be a good idea, but I hope it haunts them to this day.
But ... best wishes to Lynnie. They gave a great deal to provide their Pink roadhouse service not to mention their
The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. (Lewis Carroll-Alice In Wonderland)

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AnswerID: 513061

Follow Up By: Member - Jack - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:42

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:42
oops ... commitment to tourism, safe travel and their legendary pink sings around the Track.
Good luck.

The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. (Lewis Carroll-Alice In Wonderland)

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FollowupID: 791699

Follow Up By: Shaker - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:26

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 17:26
My night there was the worst I've ever had too, was like camping at a tip!
FollowupID: 791706

Follow Up By: KevinE - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 20:42

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 20:42
^ Same here! ^
FollowupID: 791721

Follow Up By: Candace S. - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:13

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:13
I hope the new owners keep up the signs! I also hope they know what they are getting themselves into, lol!
FollowupID: 791729

Follow Up By: Aussi Traveller - Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 22:10

Friday, Jun 14, 2013 at 22:10
Yeah Shaker I pulled up at 6 pm, the town looked like a ghost town so we drove a few kms up the road and camped in the dunes.
FollowupID: 791803

Reply By: Member - Rod N (QLD) - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:57

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 16:57
For those who can't/wont access Facebook here is a copy of the content

" After almost four decades in the heart of Australia in Oodnadatta, Lynnie Plate is
moving on.

Contracts have been exchanged for the sale of the Pink Roadhouse, and in early September new owners will move to Oodnadatta to begin another chapter in the

You are invited by Lynnie, Alice, Tilly and Ruby to help them farewell the region on the 12-14th July and take part in three important events:

1. Friday 12th July 4pm OFFICIAL NAMING OF THE OODNADATTA AIRSTRIP IN HONOUR OF ADAM PLATE at Oodnadatta airport. The SA Government has announced it will host this ceremony in recognition of Adam Plate’s contribution to the local community.

2. Friday 12th July 530-10pm PLATE FAREWELL PARTY at Pink Roadhouse with speeches, music, food and fun and you get to meet the new owners. All welcome. Food and alcohol available.

3. Saturday 13th July OODNADATTA BRONCO BRANDING at the Oodnadatta race, 2kms south of town. Food and alcohol can be purchased. More info at: and like their Facebook page for updates:

FURTHER INFO – please read:
Due to the large number of people expected to attend, we ask that all people planning to come try to be as self sufficient as possible. While you will be able to buy food and alcohol, it's unlikely there will be any accommodation available. We ask that you prepare to camp if you do attend."

AnswerID: 513062

Follow Up By: Candace S. - Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:17

Thursday, Jun 13, 2013 at 21:17
Thank you! Very nice, naming the air strip after Adam.

Sounds like it will be quite a party! I hope somebody from EO attends and shares a report. :)
FollowupID: 791730

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