Off road Safety

Submitted: Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 19:16
ThreadID: 102701 Views:1945 Replies:3 FollowUps:2
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Had a most enjoyable weekend at Robe traversing Little Dip & Beachport Conservation Parks leading a group of 11 x 4wd - some experienced and some not so.

Came across a couple of issues

Several cars without Sand Flags, one came around the corner reasonably quickly, saw my very wide eyes, turned around and scooted

Some had crossed the very obvious barricades made of wire rope covered in black poly and supported by permapine stumps and proceeded to try the pristine dunes - real smart ( do I hear more gates ).

Another group went through a big water patch and sucked in enough water to be stopped and were in the process of being towed within their own group (4 x 4wd ), unfortunately there car didn't have enough power to get through the sand so we helped out getting them off the corner, unblocking the track and onto harder ground. The diesel had water in his air filter - what would you do?

Then we heard a distress call from someone stuck on a ridgetop, he could not give us much detail on where he was so we had to play 100 questions to try and locate him, between us and another fellow heading South he was found and recovered - not by us. We lost a good half hour out of our day with the rest of our group waiting for myself and the tail end charlie to return.

Another member of our group who happens to be a mechanic helped the water logged cars to get started and they were driving out as we got back.

A few suggestions
Don't go into the sand dunes without a sandflag
Don't go through water unless you really need to and have prepared your car first
Don't blast through forcing water into your engine compartment

If you are by yourself
please don't try doing big dunes as if you roll and get hurt or you get stuck like this gentleman, no one may know and you may be there a while, in this case in was just before dusk so another 1/2 hour or so and he would have been there for the night

make sure you are aware of where you are - relatively speaking, turns out ( I believe )this guy was in the Millicent Buggy Club grounds

I am so glad that things worked out this time, but this really should be an eye opener for those people.

Another trip leader I came across told me they had to wait for the Police and Ambulance as a motor cyclist came off his bike earlier in the day, with suspected breaks in both wrists and a broken leg.

If we don't get smarter about what we are doing then I suspect they will just close the gates, I suspect that there have been more fences erected since the last time I went through 12 months ago.

sorry for the rant

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Reply By: Skulldug - Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 20:25

Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 20:25

11 vehicles in one group and you came across another trip leader? Sounds very busy down there.
AnswerID: 512925

Follow Up By: cookie1 - Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 20:37

Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 20:37
We actually had about 21 vehicles but split into 2 groups between ourselves, the other group outside of us had about a dozen, throw in a number of motorbikes, one pair being really nice blokes taking a breather whilst we came through, and some few scattered vehicles and a few fishermen, it was reasonably busy but still very enjoyable.

It would be a shame if it got closed though because of a minority not doing the right thing or in the event of a serious mishap

FollowupID: 791489

Reply By: mikehzz - Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 at 06:14

Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 at 06:14
I was at Stocktion on the weekend and a guy was zipping around with another guy standing in the tray of his dual cab holding on to the roll bar. He took a few runs at a big dune he couldn't make and on the third try he swerved sharply left on the dune's face to be stuck half way up sideways with someone standing in the tray. Sometimes it feels like you are being overwhelmed by dopes. I was trying to look at the bright least the guy wasn't surfing on the bonnet? Sigh, I can feel some more over regulation coming on. Stockton is already barricaded to the wazoo now with safety signs and wire rope all over the place. My feeling is that they will never allow it to be open again like it used to be. The posts in the ground, signs and wire rope all look permanent to me.
AnswerID: 512936

Reply By: Member - Minty (SA) - Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013 at 20:04

Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013 at 20:04
I had the same experiences a few months ago, further south, in Canunda NP. ended up winching 5 vehicles off the beach. Hardly more than a snatch strap between them. Next time I'll wait to see if they get my assistance gratis due to their bad luck or end up paying for their recovery because of their unpreparedness and lack of forethought and sensibility.
AnswerID: 513008

Follow Up By: cookie1 - Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013 at 20:10

Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013 at 20:10
Agree, you wouldn't mind if they couldn't recover themselves as a piece of recovery gear failed / broke, but to not have anything is just a tad silly / reckless.

Can I presume that was Geltwood which is renowned for being a very soft treacherous beack at times - it is amazing what a bit of homework / google turns up about places you intend going.

Good on you for helping though

FollowupID: 791632

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