EOTrack Me Help needed please

Hi everyone
I have been entering in my membership number into settings and memberID however it comes up with an Error message in the "Server" reading "Error: Auto Registration Not Found". What am I doing wrong?
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 11:32

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 11:32
Have you purchased the server auto registration license in the online shop cost is $5 for members?
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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AnswerID: 512777

Follow Up By: Member - Dirt Princess - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 13:00

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 13:00
Ahh read that but didn't think too much of it as I thought I read on membership entitlements that we get this for free. Hardly seems worthwhile paying $5.00 off the card unless I buy something else with it so might leave it until I have another need. Thanks for the reply much appreciated.
FollowupID: 791295

Follow Up By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 13:51

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 13:51
No worries Dirt,
The use of the tracking service is free for members but you need a device to talk to it. If you use the Windows or Android programs that I wrote it is $5. If you use SPOT then you have to have a tracking subscription with SPOT, if you use other programs or devices they all have a cost of some sort. If you buy the Android license it is then linked to your profile and you can set-up as many Android devices as you like linked to your profile without paying any additional $5 for the program.

Hope this helps, you can spend more on it if you would like to always happy to receive a donation - LOL.

PS: You could add an early membership renewal if you wish, you can buy these at any time and it will add 12 months to your existing expiry.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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FollowupID: 791297

Follow Up By: "Not So Grey Nomads" - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 16:59

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 16:59
Hi Dave and Michelle

I am brand new to this. Started today in fact. I am very impressed with the overall concept and look forward to becoming involved with fellow members as we head off on a 6 month trip starting in a fortnight.

I have set myself up on the EOTrackme and seem to have it working OK. My only question relates to the following which I took off your website:

Saving EOTrackMe Tracking
You can also periodically save your tracking data as User Treks, simply save when needed and give your Trek a title e.g. “Simpson Desert Crossing 2012”. No matter how large or small the trip, you can save your tracking at any time in a way that makes sense to you (for example to correspond with your ExplorOz Blogs).

If I went on a one day trip tomorrow and saved it as "one nice Sunday", could I then continue travelling the next day and save over the top of it ie save my second day as "one nice sunday" and if I did would it incorporate both days. I am just trying to get my head around the nitty gritty stuff before we start our trip and start sending stuff out to the family etc.



FollowupID: 791306

Follow Up By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 17:27

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 17:27
Dave (good name by the way),

Great questions and glad you have taken the time to read the instructions. When you save a Tracking file is becomes a User Trek and is saved in that system as a record. If you continued on the next day it would create a new tracking file. The function of saving clears the current tracking and exports it to a User Trek.

So if you wanted a full trip in one hit then you would not save until your trip is complete however it is better for performance to periodically save your trip in sections that make sense to you. At the moment the editing function in User Treks are very basic and I intend to expand this capacity in great depth in due course.

However having said this all your saved user treks appear on your profile page map when you open it. If you have a look at mine for instance - "click on My Profile" below in my signature and when you get to the page click on the Map tab - you will see all my saved User Treks (some via tracking, some via upload from GPS and some via driving directions). Each of these is itemised in the My Treks tab and my current tracking is shown in the EOTrackMe tab.

Does this help, make sense etc? I am also always keen on feedback to make it better/easier for you and others to understand so please fell free to hit me with any suggestions, questions or comments.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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FollowupID: 791309

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