Tanami & Gibb River Rd

Submitted: Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 07:07
ThreadID: 102545 Views:3296 Replies:7 FollowUps:2
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We are leaving end of june or early july going to the centre then tanami track and then on the gibb river rd towing 20 foot trakmaster. Any ideas what the roads will be like, any feedback from others that have towed that size van on these roads.
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Reply By: MEMBER - Darian, SA - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:35

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:35
All such roads can be in quite varied condition of course, depending on the usual weather, traffic volume and maintenance cycles. I just had a look on the Trakmaster Van club forum - a similar query to yours, but centered on fuel availability - a few members have taken various Trakmaster models along the Tanami Road in the last couple of years - from the smaller vans up to 20' it seems - none mentioned adverse road conditions or van problems. Taking it quite easy with softened tyres where corrugations occur will be the key I expect - if your have the air suspension option, that will help too. Most club members put their TV's and any other wobbly appliances well away for such travel. BTW - there have been 65 Trakmaster vans up at Innamincka for the last week (10th club anniversary) - now scattering out across Oz - I'm at home :-o).
AnswerID: 512359

Reply By: Motherhen - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:45

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:45
Hi Troopy

So long as it is dry, the Tanami will always be more corrugations than you can count in a lifetime but passable if you take it easy. We were advised to stop and check everything that could come unscrewed. Have you any idea how many screws there are in a caravan? :O

Early July should be OK on the Gibb River Road. Graders keep working, but in July the peak crowds hit, travel too fast and it corrugates again quickly.

You should have not problems with a well prepared rig and low tyre pressures.

You can check My Blogs from 2008 for these roads.


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AnswerID: 512369

Reply By: Ian and Pen - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 16:00

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 16:00
Hi Troopy, going to trip the same as you, same dates or there abouts. Tanami upto the Kimberley. might see you along the way.
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AnswerID: 512381

Reply By: happytravelers - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 22:56

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 22:56
Just completed the Tanami two days ago, the road is in terrible condition. Very heavily corrugated all the way to granite mine. It's not too bad after the mine but be prepared for about 500kms of heavy corrugations. Given the choice I would'nt drive that road again. We are currently on our way to Broome and then the Gibb, local info is the Gibb has corrugated sections but nothing could be as bad as the Tanami. Sorry if this info is not what you wanted to hear but at least it's up to date.
AnswerID: 512412

Reply By: troopy 47 - Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 05:38

Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 05:38
Thanks Jon i will get more info again when we are about to leave, where you towing a van or camper trailer or just in your vehicle.
AnswerID: 512421

Follow Up By: happytravelers - Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 11:28

Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 11:28
Land cruiser and off road camper trailer, tyres lowered to 25psi. Averaged 50_60kph but very rough. Met bloke at Wolf creek who towed a bushtracker across who said he only managed 20_30kph, would have been a very slow trip for him. The last few hundred kms are well graded and the first 120 to Til mouth well is sealed. It's the road trains to the mine that have caused the damage. Expect a total of about 500kms of very bad corrugations.
FollowupID: 790797

Reply By: Isuzumu - Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 12:13

Monday, Jun 03, 2013 at 12:13
The road to Mitchell Falls from King Edward River was a little wet.
AnswerID: 512443

Follow Up By: Member - eighty matey - Tuesday, Jun 04, 2013 at 21:09

Tuesday, Jun 04, 2013 at 21:09
What part of the road is that first shot, Bruce?
FollowupID: 790949

Reply By: Member - " H " (VIC) - Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 18:04

Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 at 18:04
G'Day Troopy 47
We did the Tanami late last year in a 21ft Tanami from Halls creek to Alice Springs with out any troubles, except for the stretch just over the border were we had just over 60 to 70 Km of corrugated road which the Cook was not happy about but I suggested that I had plenty of DUCK tape to solve the problem and was willing to apply the tape to the bouncing problems!!!!.no success ? hope you have more fun than I did
Regards Harry " H " Vic Trakkkie 679.

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AnswerID: 512797

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