Giles Weather Station Tours

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 18:44
ThreadID: 102541 Views:2105 Replies:4 FollowUps:6
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I'm travaling the GCR in late July and plan on stopping to do the tour of the weather station. I know that the tours have changed and that the ballon release is no longer part of the tour. What I can not find out is the times of the tour as I have got conficting times of the start, being 08.30 am and 02.30 pm or is it only at 11.00am Sth Aust time. Has anyone been there lately who can comfirm the times of the tours

Another Mexican

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Reply By: Member - MUZBRY(Vic) - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 19:08

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 19:08
Gday Murray
You will have to show your passport before they will let you on site, then they will do a police check on your character , Betty will pass with flying colours , but you will have to be careful......

Great place to be Mt Blue Rag 27/12/2012

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AnswerID: 512333

Follow Up By: Member - Murray R (VIC) - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 20:51

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 20:51
I have all the above credentials so thats not aproblem, just need to know the time that i can use them.
Another Mexican

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FollowupID: 790677

Reply By: George_M - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 19:52

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 19:52
Let us know what the process is, Murray.

I've always been curious about the Giles Weather Station, and the people who staff it.

Come any closer and I'll rip your throat out!

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AnswerID: 512338

Follow Up By: Member - Murray R (VIC) - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 21:08

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 21:08
Come along and you can find out
Another Mexican

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FollowupID: 790678

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 20:51

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 20:51
Hi Murray,

This thread here should answer your questions. Its a pity the balloon launch is no longer included but even so its a very interesting site to visit.


J and V
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AnswerID: 512342

Follow Up By: Member - Murray R (VIC) - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 21:14

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 21:14
I have researched that thread and that is where the confusion started as Motherhen's thread says 11.00am and when you use EO places the times are 8.30am and 2.30pm. I am hoping its 11.00am as it fits my plans better.
Another Mexican

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FollowupID: 790680

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 22:50

Saturday, Jun 01, 2013 at 22:50
Since the changes, the times that coincided with the morning and afternoon balloon releases are not longer tour times Murray. 11 am SOUTH AUSTRALIAN time is now the only tour. This is available Monday to Friday only. The balloon can be viewed from the car park at these times: Non Daylight Savings: 8:45am and 2:45pm. (South Aust. time) Daylight Savings: 9:45am and 3:45pm. (South Aust. time)

Make the most of it. I read today where weather balloons at another station will be discontinued, as there is a trend to alternative methods of data collection. The whole system may have a limited future as more automated methods are used.

The Visitor Room is of interest and should be open around the tour time. It has weather and Len Beadell memorabilia on display.

Enjoy the drive and the tour.


Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 790685

Follow Up By: Member - Murray R (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:12

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:12
Thanks for your info, it's what I neeed to know as I can now spend time on the GCR as planned.

Another Mexican

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FollowupID: 790697

Follow Up By: Tjukayirla Roadhouse - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:59

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 10:59
can I just say that it is Central Standard time, not south Australian time..
pedantic yes.. lol
FollowupID: 790698

Reply By: Motherhen - Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:25

Sunday, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:25
An hour and a half early - 9:30 WA time Murray. When dealing with Giles, they are attached to BOM SA and talk in SA time just as they would if they were in Adelaide.

It is easy when you are coming in from the NT side - you stay in that time zone. Just change the clocks a bit earlier if heading west to east.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 512365

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