Tyre pressure monitoring system - initial low / high settings

Submitted: Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 23:30
ThreadID: 102411 Views:2860 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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G'day ... Just purchased a TyreDog TPMS with 6 sensors for my Patrol & caravan. Looking for advice please from anyone with a TPMS installed re your low & high pressure alarm settings & high temperature setting. I realise there are a lot of variables but I just want a starting point until I get used to the system on different road surfaces & conditions. Will be travelling through the Qld outback on a mixture of black road & gravel .... normally run 32psi in tyres on Patrol & caravan.
Noticed there are several blogs re the different types of TPMS but couldn't find anything that recommended settings ... personal experience I guess ?

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Reply By: Mick O - Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 23:55

Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 23:55
At 32 psi on the black top, I'd set for 24 psi minumum and 40psi max (or higher in summer). If running at 25-27 on gravel, I'd set for 21 low and 36 High.

I've never had a problem with a tyre going too high, always low ;-)

Cheers Mick
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AnswerID: 511829

Follow Up By: Member - Tommy T (Moonta SA) - Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 08:32

Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 08:32
G'day Mick
Thanks for your advice .... I noticed in your blog on TPMS that you also suggested wrapping tape or similar around the sensors to avoid damage on rough roads, just as Pete has below

Thanks again .... good starting point for pressure settings which I can refine as I get more used to the system

Tommy T
FollowupID: 790130

Reply By: PeteS - Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 07:56

Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 07:56
Howdy Tommy,

I have the same setup. I'm not wanting to start a tyre debate however for reference I run 40psi on blacktop, around 28psi on dirt and 16psi on sand. I sometimes vary the above depending on conditions. On the black top I have max set at 50psi . Minimum I have set around 34psi. I'm more interested in the dropping tyre pressures to avoid destroying the tyre before I know about it. We can't see our caravan behind us when on dirt roads so monitoring the tyres gives me some comfort.

You will be surprised at how the psi varies on tyres facing the sun in summer and also the psi drop when in very cold conditions. It's just a matter of keeping the min/max close enough to your normal psi settings without getting false alarms.

I use the temperature setting as a guide however I don't rely on it lot because I can't see how the sensors can monitor this very well at the valve stem. The temperature setting I use depending on season or if I'm using lower tyre pressures on dirt as this builds up heat. I usually have black top temperature set to 55 degrees because in summer my tyres can reach this just sitting with direct sun.

A few tips if I may:
a) Place some small pieces (a bit bigger than the sensor diameter) of High Density packing foam or similar, this will stop the sensors hitting your rims on corrugated roads
b) When replacing the batteries ensure you don't touch the battery +ve & -ve surfaces to ensure good contact.
c) Carry some replacement batteries with you, I purchased 20 replacement batteries off eBay very cheaply and have had no problems with them. Lithium batteries have a great shelf life.

AnswerID: 511834

Follow Up By: Member - Tommy T (Moonta SA) - Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 08:41

Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 08:41
G'day Pete

Thanks for your advice on pressure settings & the tips re protecting the sensors. Experience in using the TPMS will allow me to adjust the settings, but to start out with advice from experienced users such as you & Mick is much appreciated.

Thanks again .... Tommy T
FollowupID: 790131

Reply By: Keith H7 - Monday, May 27, 2013 at 09:48

Monday, May 27, 2013 at 09:48
Not sure about your vehicle...but here is the best reference I have found for your caravan http://www.peakhillcaravanpark.com.au/Tyre%20Pressuresa.htm

Look at the temperature/pressure variable hint....should work for the vehicle as well.

Hope it helps.
AnswerID: 511913

Reply By: Stu A - Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at 20:59

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at 20:59
Hi Tommy
We did a Trip thru W.Qld via the Plenty Hwy to Alice in Oct 2012. It was my first run with the tyre dogs on the car & camper. They worked well and saved us from total destruction of one tyre, however the stones on the Plenty made mince meat of one sensor, it totally removed the screw on cap and clean broke the thin metal connectors to the battery. Then another tyre sensor started reporting 200+psi a few days later, so I knew this had failed internally also. So I strongly recommend some for of protection if travelling stoney roads! To the credit of the tyre dog crew, I sent the whole lot back to them and the they replaced both sensors (even the smashed one!) and fully tested the whole system all under warranty! That's great service. Enjoy. Stu

AnswerID: 512124

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