Sarina mud trails for those who love mud

Submitted: Monday, May 06, 2013 at 19:18
ThreadID: 102059 Views:2527 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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Well for those who don’t mind playing in the mud, here some photos of the 2013 Sarina mud trails. This is a very family orientated sport with no hassles and lots of kids having fun. It can be very stop go as the vehicles become bogged and have to be pulled out.

These vehicles don’t get a rest or a relax time as they are at full noise for the whole race. Gearboxes/ transmissions/ engines and running gear get a flogging.

Mate driving a buggy had a rear flat tyre for all but one lap of their race on the Saturday. With the tyre bunching up under the chains their backs would have been given a real workout They then blew a diff in the first race on the Sunday and changed that out to run the final race. The diff change was through the kindness of another competitor that gave them one. This also caused problems due to different ratios and the fact many gear changes were needed to gain maximum forward movement.

Mates wife. Girls would you wear this shirt

Now during the racing some have to stop and take a comfort break. This is a boy buggy.

Now not to get the drag racing fraternity off side they were represented by this funny car.

The veterans were represented by one of the great old evergreens the Morrie minor.

Now I can't leave out the fly boys as they will get upset. I know it isn't a F111 but it does have a jackie how drying on the blades. What more could you want.

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Reply By: Rockape - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 19:25

Monday, May 06, 2013 at 19:25
Well it looks like the fly boys were a little shy so I will have to use hidden cam to show you.
AnswerID: 510476

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