Hi all,
The area of Birriliburu is from today an Indigenous Protected area.
The definition is, "An Indigenous Protected Area is an area of Indigenous-owned land or sea where traditional owners have entered into an agreement with the Australian Government to promote biodiversity and cultural resource conservation."
Todays Media Release 23 April 2013, by Tony Burke MLA, from environment.gov.au:
More than six million hectares of Western Australia's striking desert country straddling the famous
Canning Stock Route will be protected from today with the dedication of the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area.
Environment Minister Tony Burke sent his congratulations to the hundreds of Martu traditional owners who gathered at
well six, about four hours drive from
Wiluna, to celebrate.
"All of this country, all six million hectares, belongs to the Birriliburu native title holders. I'd like to thank them for their decision today to dedicate their country for conservation.
"The dedication also means that Australia now has a continuous wildlife corridor of more than 24 million hectares stretching across the centre of our country, taking in seven Indigenous Protected Areas and two nature
reserves, stretching from South Australia's APY Lands through the Ngaanyatjarra Lands and on through the Western Deserts.
"Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area itself takes in parts of both the
Little Sandy Desert and
Gibson Desert, its landscape ranging from sand dunes,
sandstone mountain ranges to salt lakes and claypans.
home to a surprisingly high number of vulnerable or threatened species like the black-flanked
rock wallaby, brush-tailed mulgara, greater bilby and the great desert skink.
rock art galleries and culturally significant sites are scattered throughout the area, including the extraordinary yet largely unknown
Carnarvon Range.
"The Australian Government is proudly supporting the Birriliburu native title holders to dedicate this Indigenous Protected Area. We've provided $700,000 since 2009 to help them manage this vast landscape for all Australians.
"It's another great example of Indigenous Australians successfully managing their country while providing local employment through
ranger programs."
Birriliburu joins an Australia-wide network of 54 Indigenous Protected Areas, protecting more than 43 million hectares across the country.
I presume that Central Desert Native Title
Services will have a major say in what will happen to this area, which takes in some of the
Canning Stock Route. Being business members on Exploroz, they may wish to comment.
All in all, it sounds like a great way to protect the biodiversity of the area, though I do wonder whether the current travel restrictions will be modified or maintained.
Please add your positive/general comments if you wish, any negative racial comments will be referred to the moderators for deletion.