Part 2 Let's buy a 100 series!
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 03, 2013 at 20:48
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Hey there, me again,
In addition to my post the other day, I think I may have found a Landcruiser 100 series to buy. I have checked all the items suggested by you fine folk, and all looks ok. The only one issue that I found is an auto transmission shift problem. The shift between 2nd to 3rd under power, flares up before taking 3rd. Also, maybe connected to the same problem, is the kickdown, did not seem to take correctly on a couple of occasions. Does anybody out there have any thoughts on known auto transmission issues with petrol 100 series landcruisers? Some suggestions say an auto service may fix some shifting issues. Again, any help would be appreciated
Cheers Chris.
Reply By: ExplorOz Facebook App - Sunday, Feb 03, 2013 at 22:08
Sunday, Feb 03, 2013 at 22:08
Scozzie Nomads posted this reply on the ExplorOz Facebook page:
Hi there, we recently bought a 2001 100 series petrol auto cruiser and had an intermittent problem with the gearbox refusing to kick down when accelerating. A visit to a good auto transmission guy and a diagnostic
check revealed a fault with the throttle positions sensor, fixed for $270.00 including the diagnostic analysis and resetting the system and problem is gone. Not sure if it is the same problem but get the diagnostic
check done before you buy, ( not like me and finding out after ) to be on the safe side.
Hope this helps.
Neil McCormack
Reply By: ModSquad - Sunday, Feb 03, 2013 at 23:50
Sunday, Feb 03, 2013 at 23:50
Hello Chris
Please continue posting to your original
thread instead of starting a new one. Makes it hard for others to follow and for this reason it is against
forum rules.
As you have already had one reply we have locked thread instead of deleting/hiding it for time being. Please re-post your comments to the original thread so its all in one place.
The ModSquad