ExplorOz Traveller: GPS problems with iPads

Friday, Feb 09, 2018 at 19:36


If you have an iPad without in built GPS you'll need to connect a Bluetooth GPS to get location services when you are offline, AND you'll need to adjust a setting in the App to make the GPS accessible to the app, other wise you will get a message "this device is not supported by this iPad" and your app will continuously disconnect your GPS and prompt you to keep resetting it.

Instructions as follows:-
Go to the app's HOME SCREEN and select - ADVANCED in the settings & about section. Then open up the Geolocation Settings area and select the pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically and make this setting False by touching the word false.

With this setting changed to False you are effectively turning off a battery saving movement detection feature that is not supported with external GPS units connected to the iOS devices.
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