Blogs: Find Blogs - By Tag

Monday, Nov 16, 2009 at 15:39


With 63 tags to choose from, we have your blog category covered. You can select multiple tags if you prefer, where you can choose from 34 ExplorOz categories and 29 general categories. Choose ExplorOz tags when your Blog entry is related to 4WDriving, Caravanning, Camping, Boating, etc, but for all the other interesting things in your life - use the General tags. Tags are used to categorise blog entries, which in turn enhances blog searching, providing a means to search a blog by tag or subject. To use this feature, left click (single click for Macs) anywhere in the drop down list in the Find Blogs by Tag search box, and then click on any one of the tags. After clicking, you are then taken to the Tag Blog page, where you will see the tag title and image, and a list of all the blogs that has this tag enabled.
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